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ZedBoard PetaLinux Bootstrap

zwabbit edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Bootstrapping a custom PetaLinux image requires performing the following steps.

The following prerequisites are assumed.

  • Vivado 2020.2 installed
  • PetaLinux 2020.2 installed
    • BSPs installed in PetaLinux directory
  • Ubuntu 18.08 LTS host system
  • Directory structure as follows:
    • workspace
      • vivado_workspace
      • vitis_workspace
      • petalinux_workspace
  1. Generate bitfile and export hardware configuration (including the bitfile). This will generate an XSA file along with the bitfile.
  2. Create PetaLinux project. Once created, CD into the created project.
    petalinux-create --type project --source <BSP_PATH>/avnet-digilent-zedboard-v2020.2-final.bsp --name <PROJECT_NAME>
  3. Import hardware configuration.
    petalinux-config --get-hw-description <PATH_TO_XSA_DIR>/<XSA_NAME>
  4. Configure the root filesystem to include what packages you may need.
    petalinux-config -c rootfs
    It is recommended to include the dropbear and openssh-sftp-server at the very least.
  5. Build project.
    In the past the first-stage bootloader was compiled separately using the Xilinx SDK. Now it is built by the PetaLinux toolchain.
  6. Package results. The first-stage bootloader should be located inside of the build images directory.
    petalinux-package --boot --fsbl <PATH_TO_IMAGE_DIR>/<FSBL_NAME> --fpga <PATH_TO_BITFILE_DIR>/<BITFILE_NAME> --u-boot
  7. Copy the following files onto the first FAT32 partition of an SD card to get it to boot.
  • image.ub
  • boot.scr
  1. By default the serial port is configured at 115200 baud.
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