Introducing An All-New GUI & Website
Thanks, @frankschmitt for implementing a cross-platform GUI application for DNAnalyzer. Currently, it supports the following features:
- Set the name of the DNA file to analyze
- Set minimum and maximum number of reading frames
- Run analysis
The Met CLI continues to be the best way to run the program, with more features to be added to both in the future.
Thanks, @krishnabiradar310802 for developing a website that creates awareness for DNAnalyzer and outlines the main features. It is accessible via and is hosted on GitHub Pages. We are currently working on linking the backend to the frontend with the help of @aryanagrawal8808. @zackwebster and @BLUE-DEVIL1134 who are working on improving the frontend code.
As always, thanks, everyone for your contributions! I'll see you all in the next release.
What's Changed
- Fixed bugs in README by @Verisimilitude11 in #201
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #200
- Webpage by @krishnabiradar310802 in #202
- Updated padding by @krishnabiradar310802 in #203
- Refactor CodonDataConstants by @Kit-p in #194
- Revert "Refactor CodonDataConstants" by @Verisimilitude11 in #209
- Refactor by @ishche in #196
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #211
- Organize code into folders by @plopez26DPU in #214
- Add Wiki markdown by @plopez26DPU in #217
- Refactor CmdArgs by @singloon in #198
- Refactor Properties.isRandomDNA(String) - Issue #73 by @B4CKF1SH in #97
- Fix deploy GitHub page workflow by @Kit-p in #227
- Changing wording, Gradle may not work with JDK 19. by @LimesKey in #235
- Update by @sourabhkashyap95 in #213
- refactor: protein finder by @boaglio in #216
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #221
- Refactor CodonDataConstants by @LoicB in #233
- Refactor output codons by @plopez26DPU in #234
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #238
- About us page by @krishnabiradar310802 in #241
- New CLI documentation by @plopez26DPU in #244
- Added some new future improvements to the by @LimesKey in #257
- Update .deepsource.toml by @deepsource-autofix in #259
- fixed typo in link by @LimesKey in #264
- Added Dependabot Configuration by @jenistenxavier in #263
- Refactored the methods relating to printing neucleotide count by @zaino97 in #253
- Use const declarations for variables that are never reassigned by @LimesKey in #267
- Count base pairs update by @garyglatfelter in #260
- Refactorings of getAminoAcidMapping by @Speedro in #243
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #254
- Fix For Broken CodeQL Java Analysis by @Speedro in #272
- Update .deepsource.toml by @deepsource-autofix in #279
- Adding information about DNA to README by @LimesKey in #282
- Add .DS_Store to .gitignore by @ImpossibleReality in #288
- 'toggle' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead by @LimesKey in #281
- Condensed code in countBasePairs as to resolve #274 by @garyglatfelter in #285
- Issue 252 publish gradle package by @jaybob007 in #290
- #270 Added highCoverageRegions call to CmdArgs by @jaybob007 in #284
- Refactorings of DNAAnalysis.countBasePairs(String) by @Speedro in #278
- Undocumented declaration found by @LimesKey in #292
- Refactoring #276 by @salahhalkhoums in #287
- Feature/add javafx gui #121 by @frankschmitt in #286
- Code refactoring by @ArchontisKostis in #219
- Refactor ProteinFinder.getProtein method by @Ravina-Deogadkar in #294
- Updating correct wording for feature by @LimesKey in #304
New Contributors
- @krishnabiradar310802 made their first contribution in #202
- @ishche made their first contribution in #196
- @plopez26DPU made their first contribution in #214
- @singloon made their first contribution in #198
- @LimesKey made their first contribution in #235
- @sourabhkashyap95 made their first contribution in #213
- @boaglio made their first contribution in #216
- @LoicB made their first contribution in #233
- @jenistenxavier made their first contribution in #263
- @zaino97 made their first contribution in #253
- @garyglatfelter made their first contribution in #260
- @ImpossibleReality made their first contribution in #288
- @jaybob007 made their first contribution in #290
- @salahhalkhoums made their first contribution in #287
- @ArchontisKostis made their first contribution in #219
- @Ravina-Deogadkar made their first contribution in #294
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0