Introducing a CLI and Gradle Support
What's Changed
- Use user input filename for analysis by @Kit-p in #85
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #86
- Test DNA From GDV by @Verisimilitude11 in #87
- Create codeql-analysis.yml by @Verisimilitude11 in #88
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #89
- added file by @sumitbishti in #92
- Update by @aakash232 in #93
- resolves #90: added and update java docs by @iamHrithikRaj in #100
- Refactor for Utility classes - Issue #84 by @B4CKF1SH in #98
- resolves #80: Refactor CoreExecutor.createProteinList(String,String) by @iamHrithikRaj in #101
- Fixed formatting inconsistencies by @Verisimilitude11 in #102
- Refactor CodonData class #69 by @shubhwip in #94
- Revert "Refactor CodonData class #69" by @Verisimilitude11 in #110
- Separate constants from static functions by @shubhwip in #109
- Refactor ProteinFinder.getProtein with many args by @shubhwip in #99
- Refactor ReadingFrames constructor by @shubhwip in #111
- added min and max count User input at beginning of program. by @Lumary2 in #113
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #114
- Get ReadingFrame from user input by @klurpicolo in #115
- #74 refactoring of Properties.countNucleotides method by @Speedro in #116
- Refactor getAminoAcid method with reduced branches by @androlover98 in #118
- Fixed broken link for DNA Generator by @Verisimilitude11 in #120
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #119
- Refactor getAminoAcid by @shubhwip in #112
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #124
- resolves #68 : updated by @iamHrithikRaj in #127
- Closes #128 : handled infinite loop when file-path is incorrect by @iamHrithikRaj in #129
- Switch to picocli by @Nv7-GitHub in #123
- Move CoreExecutor code into CmdArgs by @Nv7-GitHub in #155
- Protein finding by @Nv7-GitHub in #158
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #159
- Reformatted by @Verisimilitude11 in #163
- Updates readme to include cli by @aminisonya in #162
- Fix #95: added code conventions by @sumitbishti in #161
- Configure Gradle build. Implements #117. by @frankschmitt in #125
- Make compile work + picocli as external dependency + fat jar by @Nv7-GitHub in #164
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #166
- Document the CmdArgs class, resolves #169 by @bufutda in #172
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #174
- Reverse option by @Nv7-GitHub in #167
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #177
- Adding Gradle instructions in Read Me by @Saket2 in #175
- removed instantiation of class with only static methods by @AbbasSalloum in #171
- Updated contributors in main by @sb-decoder in #180
- Added inline video, removed markdown by @zackrhodes86 in #192
- Format code with autopep8 and google-java-format by @deepsource-autofix in #179
New Contributors
- @Kit-p made their first contribution in #85
- @sumitbishti made their first contribution in #92
- @aakash232 made their first contribution in #93
- @iamHrithikRaj made their first contribution in #100
- @B4CKF1SH made their first contribution in #98
- @shubhwip made their first contribution in #94
- @Lumary2 made their first contribution in #113
- @klurpicolo made their first contribution in #115
- @Speedro made their first contribution in #116
- @androlover98 made their first contribution in #118
- @Nv7-GitHub made their first contribution in #123
- @aminisonya made their first contribution in #162
- @frankschmitt made their first contribution in #125
- @bufutda made their first contribution in #172
- @Saket2 made their first contribution in #175
- @AbbasSalloum made their first contribution in #171
- @sb-decoder made their first contribution in #180
- @zackrhodes86 made their first contribution in #192
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v2.0.0