Single Activity — Multi Module — Multiple Backstack — MVVM(UiState + UiAction) — Clean Architecture
Project uses navigation libs:
- Jetpack Navigation 80% screens covered. DEPRECATED
- Voyager 100% screens covered
- Compose Navigation 100% screens covered
- Compose Destinations 100% screens covered
To use different Navigation library need to change in build.gradle.kts
from app
"com.velord.navigation.NavigationLib.{Voyager}" or "Jetpack" or "Destinations" or "Compose"
It is the arc placed in the bottom center of the layout that depends on the progress
- Rainbow
gradientColorAndPosition = { animatedValue ->
Color.Red to 0f,
Color.Green to animatedValue * 0.1f,
Color.Blue to animatedValue * 0.2f,
Color.Yellow to animatedValue * 0.3f,
Color.Magenta to animatedValue * 0.7f,
Color.Cyan to animatedValue * 0.8f,
Color.Gray to animatedValue * 0.9f,
Color.Black to animatedValue,
Color.White to 1f,
- Default
- Magenta
duration = 2000,
gradientColorAndPosition = { animatedValue ->
Color.Magenta to 0f,
Color.Cyan to animatedValue * 0.3f,
Color.Gray to animatedValue,
Color.Magenta to 1f,
- SurfaceTint
duration = 3000,
gradientColorAndPosition = { animatedValue ->
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceTint to 0f,
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.tertiary to animatedValue,
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceTint to 1f,
- Reverse
duration = 3000,
gradientColorAndPosition = { animatedValue ->
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.tertiaryContainer to 0f,
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onTertiaryContainer to animatedValue,
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.tertiaryContainer to 1f,
reverse = true
- ReverseRainbow
duration = 3000,
gradientColorAndPosition = { animatedValue ->
Color.Green to 0f,
Color.Yellow to animatedValue * 0.1f,
Color.DarkGray to animatedValue * 0.2f,
Color.Magenta to animatedValue * 0.3f,
Color.Cyan to animatedValue * 0.35f,
Color.Transparent to animatedValue * 0.7f,
Color.Gray to animatedValue * 0.8f,
Color.Black to animatedValue * 0.85f,
Color.White to animatedValue * 0.9f,
Color.LightGray to animatedValue * 0.95f,
Color.Red to animatedValue,
Color.Blue to 1f
reverse = true
- GreenReverse
elevationMax = 64.dp,
shape = CardDefaults.shape,
duration = 3000,
spotColor = Color.Green
- RedReverse
elevationMax = 16.dp,
shape = CardDefaults.shape,
duration = 500,
spotColor = Color.Red
- CyanRestart
elevationMax = 32.dp,
shape = shape,
spotColor = Color.Cyan,
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
- Default
- SmallLeft
shift = HangingDefaults.shift(
startRotationAngle = 5,
endRotationAngle = -20
animation = HangingDefaults.animation(duration = 2000)
- FullRotation
shift = HangingDefaults.shift(startRotationAngle = 180),
animation = HangingDefaults.animation(3000)
- HangingOnRightSide
.hanging(pivotPoint = HangingPivotPoint.Right)
- QuickHangingOnLeftSide
shift = HangingDefaults.shift(10),
animation = HangingDefaults.animation(300),
pivotPoint = HangingPivotPoint.Left
- EpilepsyAtBottom
shift = HangingDefaults.shift(
startRotationAngle = 5,
endRotationAngle = -10
animation = HangingDefaults.animation(duration = 80),
pivotPoint = HangingPivotPoint.Bottom
- HangingOnCenter
animation = HangingDefaults.animation(duration = 4300),
pivotPoint = HangingDefaults.pivot(
pivotFractionX = 0.5f,
pivotFractionY = 0.5f
- Default
- OneAndAHalf
.swelling(targetScale = 1.5f)
- HalfToOnePointTwo
initialScale = 0.5f,
targetScale = 1.2f,
duration = 2000
- Bounce
initialScale = 0.7f,
targetScale = 1.1f,
duration = 3000,
easing = EaseInBounce