OMDB Api Tool is simple tool for getting Rotten Tomatoes rating evaluation based on provided movie title.
Movie title can be provided via -t
or --movie-title
command line arguments
Tool has been developed in Python 3.6
After cloning run pip install -r requirements.txt
And set API_KEY
in environment
After cloning repo from git, navigate to main directory and build an image:
docker build -t omdb-api-tool:latest .
Then to get output in console, run:
docker run --env API_KEY="Your_API_KEY" --rm omdb-api-tool:latest -t "Movie Title"
Example usage:
Standard response:
python -t "Shrek"
Shrek movie score on Rotten Tomatoes is 88%. This movie seems great!
If Rotten Tomatoes rating is not present in response:
python -t "Godfather"
Rotten Tomatoes rating not found for Godfather movie!
If movie title was not found:
python -t "Godfatherr"
It seems there was a problem with getting movie data. Error message: Movie not found!