The image registrator uses FAST
feature finder and DAISY
feature descriptor for registration.
It can align images of different size by padding them with 0 values.
The image registrator can work with multichannel grayscale TIFFs and TIFFs with multiple z-planes.
Images MUST have OME-TIFF XML in their description.
The script does tile based registration of images to avoid big memory consumption.
paths to images you want to register separated by space.
reference image id, e.g. if -i 1.tif 2.tif 3.tif
, and you ref image is 1.tif
, then -r 0
(starting from 0)
reference channel name, e.g. DAPI. Enclose in double quotes if name consist of several words e.g. "Atto 490LS".
directory to output registered image.
multiprocessing: number of processes, default 1
add this flag if input is image stack instead of image list
add this flag if you want to get only registration parameters and do not want to process images.
specify path to csv file with registration parameters
python -i "/path/to/image1/img1.tif" "/path/to/image2/img2.tif" -o "/path/to/output/directory" -r 0 -c "Atto 490LS" -n 3
numpy pandas tifffile opencv-contrib-python scikit-image
is necessary for affine transformation of big images that has more than 32000 pixels in one or two dimensions.
The affine registration process in scikit-image
requires usage of float64
data, so you need amount of RAM at least 3 times the size of the picture (channel, z-plane).