This repository contains my implementation of the Cloud Resume Challenge - AWS, tailored to my learning style and goals.
Instead of following the traditional approach of using the AWS Management Console, and then using IaC, source control and CI/CD pipelines in the final steps, as listed in the challenge, I focused on automating the process using modern DevOps practices from the start.
All AWS resources are provisioned using Terraform.
GitHub Actions automate the deployment process for both the frontend and backend.
This project hosts a personal resume website on AWS with:
A frontend: A static website showcasing the resume, hosted on an S3 bucket and distributed via CloudFront.
A backend: An API built using API Gateway and Lambda that interacts with a DynamoDB table to track and display visitor counts.
Get hands-on experience with AWS services like S3, CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
Apply DevOps best practices.
S3 bucket for static website hosting.
CloudFront for content delivery.
DynamoDB table for visitor count storage.
API Gateway and Lambda function for backend.
Static files (HTML, CSS, JS) are hosted in an S3 bucket.
CloudFront distribution ensures fast delivery.
CI/CD pipeline updates the S3 bucket and invalidates the CloudFront cache on code changes.
Python Lambda function tracks visitor counts and updates DynamoDB.
CI/CD pipeline runs Python tests, packages the code, and deploys it to AWS.
Terraform Pipeline: Validates, formats, and applies infrastructure changes.
Frontend Pipeline: Deploys website updates to S3 and clears CloudFront cache.
Backend Pipeline: Tests and deploys Python Lambda code.