It is written in python programming language with kivy UI/game engine and it is intended to be used on large touchscreens. It was designed for children at first, but it has scientific-based content that could be in the interest of everyone, who has a garden, or who cares about preservation near humans' activities.
Swiss civilian project in a partnership between Pro Natura and HEIG-VD School of Engineering. Find this game in the exhibition of Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet from March 18th to November 1st 2017 and 2018.
The game is available in english, french and german. To know more: look up the 'poster' folder (in french)
You will need python
or python3
and the corresponding kivy
package (python-kivy
or python3-kivy
), that you shall get with apt-get
, pip
, or any suitable method.
Type python
to launch (and ESC
on your keyboard to escape). Choose a language and follow the instructions on the screen, in the game.
This package comes with utility methods (
Projet de service civil réalisé en partenariat entre Pro Natura et l'HEIG-VD (Institut IICT). Retrouvez ce jeu dans l'exposition du Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet du 18 mars au 1er novembre 2017 et 2018.
Le jeu est disponible en français, anglais et allemand.
En savoir plus: voir le dossier 'poster'
Ein Projekt des Zivildienstes, in Zusammenarbeit mit Pro Natura und der Fachhochschule HEIG-VD. Das Spiel ist im Ausstellung im Champ-Pittet vom 18. März bis am 1. November 2017 und 2018 vorzufinden.
- Mandataire: Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse
- Illustrations: Ariane Nicollier / Fabrica Collective, Lucas Oettli
- Conception graphique: Marc-Olivier Schatz
- Contenus et textes: Briséïs Castella, Layne Meinich
- Traductions allemand: Alena Wehrli, Florence Kupferschmid, Mira Maeder
- Relectures: Marie Bovay, Andrea Strässle, Lucas Oettli, Alan Regley
- Développement informatique et programmation: Valentin Minder
- Partenaire:
- Institute for Information and Communication Technologies (IICT)
- Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion Vaud (HEIG-VD)
- Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO)
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Copyright (C) Pro Natura 2016-2018
- Pro Natura - anc. Ligue Suisse pour la Protection de la Nature
- Pro Natura - Swiss Association for Nature Preservation
- Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland