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External Node Classifier Overview

The External Node Classifier project is designed to manage nodes, node groups, and environments in a cloud-native infrastructure. This system uses AWS Lambda, FastAPI, and DynamoDB to create a serverless architecture that is scalable and efficient. The project is primarily written in Python and is deployed using Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The CI/CD pipeline is managed via GitLab CI/CD, ensuring that the project is continuously tested and deployed. Project Structure

The project is organized into several key directories and files:

lambdas/src/handlers/: Contains the FastAPI-based Lambda functions.
terraform/: Contains Terraform configuration files for provisioning the necessary AWS resources.
tests/: Contains unit and integration tests for the Lambda functions.
.gitlab-ci.yml: CI/CD pipeline configuration for GitLab.

Lambda Handlers

There are three main Lambda handlers, each corresponding to a different aspect of the node classification system:
    Handles CRUD operations for individual nodes.
        POST /nodes/: Create a new node.
        GET /nodes/{unique_name}: Retrieve a node by its unique name.
        PUT /nodes/{unique_name}: Update an existing node.
        DELETE /nodes/{unique_name}: Delete a node by its unique name.
    DynamoDB Table: Node
    Handles CRUD operations for node groups.
        POST /nodegroup/: Create a new node group.
        GET /nodegroup/{node_group_name}: Retrieve a node group by its name.
        PUT /nodegroup/{node_group_name}: Update an existing node group.
        DELETE /nodegroup/{node_group_name}: Delete a node group by its name.
    DynamoDB Table: NodeGroup
    Handles CRUD operations for environments.
        POST /environment/: Create a new environment.
        GET /environment/{environment_name}/{puppet_cluster_name}: Retrieve an environment by its name and Puppet cluster.
        DELETE /environment/{environment_name}/{puppet_cluster_name}: Delete an environment by its name and Puppet cluster.
    DynamoDB Table: Environment

Terraform Configuration

The Terraform configuration files manage the deployment of AWS resources, including Lambda functions, API Gateway, and DynamoDB tables. Defines the AWS provider and remote backend for storing Terraform state. Provisions the Lambda functions and IAM roles. Configures the API Gateway and integrates it with the Lambda functions. Sets up the DynamoDB tables used by the application.

CI/CD Pipeline

The CI/CD pipeline is defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The pipeline has the following stages:

Plan: Runs terraform plan to generate an execution plan for Terraform changes.
Package: Packages the Lambda functions as ZIP files.
Test: Runs unit tests to ensure code quality.
Integration: Runs integration tests to verify the interaction between Lambda functions and AWS resources.
Apply: Applies the Terraform plan to deploy changes to the AWS environment.


The tests directory contains:

Unit Tests: These tests validate individual functions within the Lambda handlers.
Integration Tests: These tests validate the end-to-end functionality of the API routes and their interaction with DynamoDB.


Thank you for showing interest in contributing! Below are some instructions.

  • Clone this repository and branch this project repo.
  • Create a merge request and inspect the Terraform plan under 'Build/pipelines'. The Terraform plan compares your code with the existing state.
  • Merging the MR that you are currently working on, it will run a deploy which runs a build and then applies the plan.

Commit and Branch Format

Commits must conform to the conventional commits format with a Jira ticket reference in the parentheses. The "type" component of the message must be either feat (for a new feature), fix (for any fix to existing functionality) or chore (for any non-impacting administrative code change). To enable accountability, the "scope" component of the conventional commit message must contain a valid Jira ticket ID.

Example valid commit messages:

# A valid feature commit message
git commit -m 'feat(CPE-0000): Example commit mesage'


Please create a CPE ticket for External Node Classifier - ENC support.


Node Classification Projet






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