As a part of the Article: Bridging The Gap Between Optical Motion Capture and Inertial Measurement Unit Technology: A Deep Learning Approach to Joint Kinematic Modeling
Journal Name: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health informatics
DOI: (Will be added)
- Install Miniconda for your operating system
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to the repository folder on your local machine
- Install the virtual environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate Marker-position
Note: you may need to add your environment to the list of jupyter kernels:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=Marker-position
- Navigate to the notebooks subfolder
- Launch jupyter
- Navigate to appropriate notebook on your browser
--> Run Marker_Position_Prediction_Notebook.ipynb
Step 2 : Calculating Joint angles in MATLAB and Comparing against optical motion capture joint angles.
--> Add biomechZoo toolbox in MATLAB search path.
--> Run Kinematics_calculation.m