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Command line test execution

Juan Antonio Ruzafa edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 7 revisions

Running your tests from the command line or a batch file

Once your test project has been compiled with the appropriate Delphi version, you can execute your tests from the command line. Alternatively, you can automate this execution in batch files.

All CLI options are listed with the -h option on your test project.

Configure the "exit behaviour"

The CLI option --exitbehaviour (or -exit) has two possible values :

  1. continue -> command line will continue after tests execution has ended.
  2. pause -> command line will pause after tests execution has ended, waiting for the user to press a key to continue.

Example usage :

MyTestProj.exe -exit:continue

All available options:
--options:value or -opt:value - Options File
--hidebanner or -b - Hide the License Banner
--xmlfile:value or -xml:value - XML output file path
--runlist:value or -rl:value - Specify the name of a file which lists the tests to run
--run:value or -r:value - Specify the tests to run, separate by commas
--include:value or -i:value - Specify the categories to include
--exclude:value or -e:value - Specify the categories to exclude
--dontshowignored or -dsi - Don't show ignored tests
--loglevel:value or -l:value - Logging Level - Information, Warning, Error
--exitbehavior:value or -exit:value - Exit behavior - Continue, Pause
--h or -? - Show Usage

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