Single header benchmarking library.
Simple struct containing a vector. Provides functionality to compute the mean, variance and standard deviation. Exports to csv.
template<typename type = double>
struct record
type mean () {...}
type variance () {...}
type standard_deviation() {...}
void to_csv (const std::string& filepath) {...}
std::string name ;
std::vector<type> values;
Simple struct containing a vector of records. Exports to csv.
template<typename type = double>
struct session
void to_csv(const std::string& filepath) {...}
std::vector<record<type>> records;
Helper class providing a single public method accepting a name and a function. The function is run once, and its duration is appended to an internally managed session.
template <typename type = double, typename period = std::milli>
class session_recorder
void record(const std::string& name, const std::function<void()>& function) const {...}
The entry function which runs a benchmark and creates records / sessions. Provides two overrides for micro- and macro-benchmarking.
template<typename type = double, typename period = std::milli>
record<type> run(const std::function<void()>& function, const std::size_t iterations) {...}
template<typename type = double, typename period = std::milli>
session<type> run(const std::function<void(session_recorder<type, period>&)>& function, const std::size_t iterations) {...}
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <bm/bm.hpp>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::vector<std::size_t> buffer(100000);
const auto record = bm::run<float, std::milli>([&]
std::iota(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), 0);
}, 100 /* iterations */);
auto mean = record.mean ();
auto variance = record.variance ();
auto standard_deviation = record.standard_deviation();
const auto session = bm::run<float, std::milli>([&buffer] (auto& recorder)
recorder.record("iota" , [&buffer]
std::iota(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), 0);
recorder.record("generate", [&buffer]
std::generate(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), std::rand);
}, 100 /* iterations */);
for (const auto& record : session.records)
auto name =;
auto mean = record.mean ();
auto variance = record.variance ();
auto standard_deviation = record.standard_deviation();
Sample output_single.csv:
name,run_0,run_1,run_2,run_3,run_4,run_5,run_6,run_7,run_8,run_9,mean,variance,standard deviation
Sample output_multi.csv:
name,run_0,run_1,run_2,run_3,run_4,run_5,run_6,run_7,run_8,run_9,mean,variance,standard deviation