This project now contains multiple krpc-based telemetry servers in varying states of working. (Underlying technologies change.)
Dashboards themselves are absolutely beyond the scope of this project. (But see our other projects!)
This project provides a telemetry server that connects a KSP game running kRPC to a NASA openmct console. It works by replecating the protocol used by the telemetry tutorial.
This will be more about getting telemetry data into time-series databases, beginning with Graphite [link](
With good software engineering, we may be able to create some resusable components that support multiple such databases in a pluggable manner.
Graphite : Very easy to setup/use. (But to be useful for KSP, you probably need to configure it for 1 second or lower time resolution, which is not the default.)
Elasticsearch : Very flexable.
OpenTSDB : Very fine grained.