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Truffle Security

This is a Truffle Box providing the security infrastructure for your DApp backend.

It aims to be a single box that meets all your requirements to write secure solidity smart contracts and is Solium's official box for Truffle.

Installation & Usage

  • Install Truffle globally

      npm install -g truffle

  • Download the box. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies.

      truffle unbox UtkarshGupta-CS/truffle-security

  • Compile the Contracts

      truffle compile

  • Deploy the compiled contracts

      truffle migrate

  • Linting the Solidity Contracts

      npm run lint:sol

Available Integrations



We aim for this project to be community-governed. We therefore invite one and all to suggest improvements and features, assist us on Licensing issues, discuss the future of DApp security and contribute in any way you can!


See the Wiki for complete documentation.