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# Zoster [![Build Status](](

Zoster is a simple way to automate deep linking url testing on Android, by simply setting a few capabilities and maybe writting some code.


Testing that deep linking url works has always the same premise; open a website > click on a link > wait for an application to open > if it opens everything is ok. Zoster use a preseted appium test to automate this premise and test check it for you.


Let's use an example. Following Android Developer Guide we create an intent url, intent://zoster/hello?user=vruno#Intent;scheme=zoster;package=com.urucas.zoster_testapp;end that will open our open application and send vruno as user param, which will we setted in an TextView, showing Hello vruno!.

To use this example with Zoster, we create the following capabilities:

  "name": "zoster test",
  "intentURL" : "intent://zoster/hello?user=vruno#Intent;scheme=zoster;package=com.urucas.zoster_testapp;end",
  "pkg" : "com.urucas.zoster_testapp",
  "test_site": ""

Wait, I dont have a site to test... yet. No worries, you can set"test_site":"local" in capabilities and Zoster will create a temporary server with your browsable intent url on a <a> element to click.

Next, we run zoster:


This simple test will check you have the link on the site provided, click on it and evaluate that your application opens.

What if dont just want to test my application opens after clicking on my browsable intent, I also want to test my application did some magic stuff ?

Inception is here. Zoster let you include your own appium test to run after the application opens in native contexts, this way you can test the full flow of your browsable intent.

In this example, we said the user param will be setted in a TextView, so to check the hole flow we create a small test to check our TextView is setted correctly and include it by setting the inception capability,

  "name": "zoster test with inception",
  "intentURL" : "intent://zoster/hello?user=vruno#Intent;scheme=zoster;package=com.urucas.zoster_testapp;end",
  "pkg" : "com.urucas.zoster_testapp",
  "test_site": "",
  "inception": {
    "name" : "check_name",
    "path" : "[FULL_PATH_TO_TEST]"

Our inception test will look like this,

// appium code inside test
test_name = function(caps, driver, success, error) {
  var params = caps.params[0];
  var text_should_be = "Hello "+params.value+"!";
  driver.elementById("com.urucas.zoster_testapp:id/textView", function(err, el) {
    if(err) return error(err);
    el.text(function(err, text){
      if(err) return error(err);
      if(text_should_be == text) {
        error(new Error("Test fails"));
module.exports["check_name"] = test_name;

Now, we have checked that our browsable intent has opened the Android app and also checked that the android application did the show the correct text.


  "name" : "your test name",
  "pkg"  : "your application package name",
  "intentURL" : "your browsable intent url",
  "apk_path" "optional, full path to your apk to install before running the test", 
  "inception" : {
    "name" : "inception test name",
    "path" : "full path to your inception test"
  "test_site" : "site url containing the browsable intent link"


npm install -g zoster
zoster --test [full_path_to_capabilities]


git clone && cd zoster
npm install
npm start -- --test [full_path_to_capabilities]


  • Appium
  • ADB


Url deeplinking automate testing for Android







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