Zakeke Link Cartridge - Version 21.1.3
- Download and extract it in link_zakeke directory
- Downlaod SFRA cartridge and Sitegenesis cartridge and copy it in the link_zakeke directory
- At the end the structure should be
1) Go to link_zakeke/link_zakeke directory
2) Install all the libraries: npm install
3) Compile js files: npm run compile:js
4) Compile scss files: npm run compile:scss
5) Modify the dw.json file with your salesforce sandbox credentials
6) Upload source code to sandbox importing the projects into Eclipse (UX Studio)
1) Linting js: npm run lint:js
1) Linting scss: npm run lint:scss
1) Unit testing: npm run test:unit
3) Integration testing:
-Configure 'it.config.js' file
-npm run test:integration
Please check ./documentation/Zakeke Integration Guide.docx (for SiteGenesis) and ./documentation/Zakeke SFRA Integration Guide.docx (for SFRA) as integration guide.
The Github repo / issues are generally unmonitored. Please email the Zakeke team with any questions or concerns using: [email protected]