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Added Sequence Variant Search.
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laceysanderson committed Apr 1, 2020
1 parent 062581d commit 999271b
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* Provides a search for SO:sequence_variant chado feature-based Tripal Content.
class SequenceVariantSearch extends KPSEARCH {

* The human readable title of this search. This will be used in listings
* and shown on the search page as the title.
public static $title = 'Sequence Variant Search';

* The machine name of the module providing this search.
public static $module = 'kp_searches';

* A description of this search. This is shown at the top of the search page
* and used for the menu item.
public static $description = 'While the term variant refers to a position in the genome with variation, genetic marker refers specifically to an assay which samples that variation.';

* The machine names of the permissions with access to this search. This is
* used to map your search to existing permissions. It must be an array and
* is used in hook_menu(). Some examples include 'access content'
* and 'administer tripal'.
public static $permissions = ['access content'];

* If TRUE, this search will require the submit button to be clicked before
* executing the query; whereas, if FALSE it will be executed on the
* first page load without parameters.
* NOTE: to control the results without parameters check $this->submitted
* in getQuery() and if FALSE return your pre-submit query.
public static $require_submit = TRUE;

* Add a pager to search results
* with $num_items_per_page results on a single page.
* NOTE: Your query has to handle paging.
public static $pager = TRUE;
public static $num_items_per_page = 50;

* This defined the hook_menu definition for this search. At a minimum the
* path is required.
public static $menu = [
'path' => 'search/variants',
// @todo support menu items.

* Add CSS/JS to the form/results page.
* NOTE: paths supplied should be relative to $module.
public static $attached = [
'css' => [
'js' => [],

* Information regarding the fields and filters for this search.
public static $info = [
// Lists the columns in your results table.
'fields' => [
'name' => [
'title' => 'Name',
'entity_link' => [
'chado_table' => 'feature',
'id_column' => 'feature_id'
'type' => [
'title' => 'Variant Type',
'species' => [
'title' => 'Source Species',
'entity_link' => [
'chado_table' => 'organism',
'id_column' => 'organism_id'
// The filter criteria available to the user.
// This is used to generate a search form which can be altered.
'filters' => [
'genus' => [
'title' => 'Genus',
'help' => 'The legume species the Sequence Variant was designed for (e.g. Lens culinaris).',
'species' => [
'title' => 'Species',
'help' => '',
'type' => [
'title' => 'Variant Type',
'help' => 'The type of variant you are interested in (e.g. SNP).',
//'default' => 'Exome Capture',
'project' => [
'title' => 'Experiment',
'help' => 'The experiment you are interested in (e.g. AGILE; partial names are accepted).',
'start-backbone' => [
'title' => 'Start: Backbone',
'help' => 'The name of the sequence the variants are located on.'
'start-pos' => [
'title' => 'Start: Position',
'help' => 'The numeric start position of the range you are interested in.'
'end-pos' => [
'title' => 'End: Position',
'help' => 'The numeric end position of the range you are interested in.'
'name' => [
'title' => 'Name',
'help' => 'The name or accession of the variant (e.g. LcC00002p390; partial names are accepted).',

* Text that should appear on the button at the bottom of the importer
* form.
public static $button_text = 'Search';

* Generate the filter form.
* The base class will generate textfields for each filter defined in $info,
* set defaults, labels and descriptions, as well as, create the search
* button.
* Extend this method to alter the filter form.
public function form($form, $form_state) {
$form = parent::form($form, $form_state);

// Add a crop selector.
$this->addCropFormElement($form, $form_state);

// Add a Scientific name selector.
$this->addSpeciesFormElement($form, $form_state);

// Make the variant type a drop-down.
$options = unserialize(variable_get('kp_searches_variant_types', 'a:0{}'));
$form['type']['#type'] = 'select';
$form['type']['#options'] = $options;
$form['type']['#empty_option'] = ' - Select -';

// Make the project an autocomplete.
// DEPENDENCY: nd_genotypes.
$form['project']['#autocomplete_path'] = 'tripal_ajax/nd_genotypes/project/name';

// Add a sequence range element.
$description = 'The range of the genome you would like to display variants from.';
$form['seq_range'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#prefix' => '<div class="seq-range-element form-item"><label>Genome Range</label>',
'#suffix' => '<div class="description">' . $description . '</div></div>',
// Group the sequence range elements.
$form['seq_range']['start-label'] = [
'#type' => 'item',
'#markup' => 'From',
$form['seq_range']['start-backbone'] = $form['start-backbone'];
$form['seq_range']['start-backbone']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = 'Sequence Name';
$form['seq_range']['start-pos'] = $form['start-pos'];
$form['seq_range']['start-pos']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = 'Start Position';
$form['seq_range']['end-label'] = [
'#type' => 'item',
'#markup' => 'to',
$form['seq_range']['end-pos'] = $form['end-pos'];
$form['seq_range']['end-pos']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = 'End Position';

return $form;

* Allows custom searches to validate the form results.
* Use form_set_error() to signal invalid values.
public function validateForm($form, $form_state) {
$values = $form_state['values'];

// If any of the range elements are filled out...
if ($values['start-backbone'] != ''
OR $values['start-pos'] != ''
OR $values['end-pos'] != '') {

// Then they all need to be!
if ($values['start-backbone'] == '') {
'Genome Range: The sequence name is required.');
if ($values['start-pos'] == '') {
'Genome Range: The range start position is required.');
if ($values['end-pos'] == '') {
'Genome Range: The range end position is required.');

* Determine the query for the Sequence Variant search.
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute. This will be executed using chado_query()
* so use curly brackets appropriately. Use :placeholders for any values.
* @param array $args
* An array of arguments to pass to chado_query(). Keys must be the
* placeholders in the query and values should be what you want them set to.
public function getQuery(&$query, &$args, $offset) {

// Retrieve the filter results already set.
$filter_results = $this->values;
// @debug dpm($filter_results, '$filter_results');

$query = "
SELECT variant.feature_id, as name, type.value as type, o.organism_id, o.genus||' '||o.species as species
FROM {feature} variant
LEFT JOIN {organism} o ON o.organism_id=variant.organism_id
LEFT JOIN {featureprop} type ON type.feature_id = variant.feature_id
AND type.type_id IN
(SELECT cvterm_id FROM chado.cvterm WHERE name='additionalType') ";

$where = ["variant.type_id IN (SELECT cvterm_id FROM {cvterm} WHERE name='sequence_variant')"];
$joins = [];

// -- Genus.
if ($filter_results['genus'] != '') {
$where[] = "o.genus ~* :genus";
$args[':genus'] = $filter_results['genus'];

// -- Species.
if ($filter_results['species'] != '') {
$where[] = "o.species ~* :species";
$args[':species'] = $filter_results['species'];

// -- Type.
if ($filter_results['type'] != '') {
$where[] = "type.value ~ :type";
$args[':type'] = $filter_results['type'];

// -- Project.
if ($filter_results['project'] != '') {
$where[] = " ~ :project";
$args[':project'] = $filter_results['project'];
$joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN {project_feature} pf ON pf.feature_id=variant.feature_id';
$joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN {project} project ON project.project_id=pf.project_id';

// -- Name.
if ($filter_results['name'] != '') {
$where[] = "( ~ :name OR variant.uniquename = :name)";
$args[':name'] = $filter_results['name'];

// -- Genome Range.
if ($filter_results['start-pos'] != ''
AND $filter_results['end-pos'] != '') {

$joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN {featureloc} loc
ON loc.feature_id=variant.feature_id';
$where[] = 'loc.fmin BETWEEN :start AND :end';
$args[':start'] = $filter_results['start-pos'];
$args[':end'] = $filter_results['end-pos'];
$where[] = 'loc.srcfeature_id IN
(SELECT feature_id FROM {feature}
WHERE name=:backbone OR uniquename=:backbone)';
$args[':backbone'] = $filter_results['start-backbone'];

// Finally, add it to the query.
if (!empty($joins)) {
$query .= implode("\n",$joins);
if (!empty($where)) {
$query .= "\n" . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ',$where);

// Sort even though it is SLOW b/c ppl expect it.
$query .= "\n" . ' ORDER BY ASC';

// Handle paging.
$limit = $this::$num_items_per_page + 1;
$query .= "\n" . ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset;

// @debug dpm(strtr(str_replace(['{','}'], ['chado.', ''], $query), $args), 'query');
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions kp_searches.module
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
require_once 'includes/';

require_once 'includes/';
require_once 'includes/';

require_once 'includes/';
require_once 'includes/';
Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ require_once 'includes/';

// EXAMPLE: $searches['BreedingCrossSearch'] = 'Breeding Cross Search';
$searches['GeneticMarkerSearch'] = 'Genetic Marker Search';
$searches['SequenceVariantSearch'] = 'Sequence Variant Search';

$searches['GermplasmSearch'] = 'Germplasm Search';
$searches['BreedingCrossSearch'] = 'Breeding Cross Search';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,17 +140,29 @@ function kp_searches_cache_options() {
$partitions = chado_query($query)->fetchCol();
// -- Retieve marker type options for all partitions.
$marker_types = [];
$variant_types = [];
foreach ($partitions as $partition_name) {
$curr_partition_types = variable_get(
// Markers:
$curr_partition_marker_types = variable_get(
if (!empty($curr_partition_types)) {
$marker_types = array_merge($marker_types, unserialize($curr_partition_types));
if (!empty($curr_partition_marker_types)) {
$marker_types = array_merge($marker_types, unserialize($curr_partition_marker_types));

// Variants:
$curr_partition_variant_types = variable_get(
if (!empty($curr_partition_variant_types)) {
$variant_types = array_merge($variant_types, unserialize($curr_partition_variant_types));
// -- Finally, Save the options!
variable_set('kp_searches_marker_types', serialize($marker_types));
variable_set('kp_searches_variant_types', serialize($variant_types));


Expand Down

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