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Installation Requirements

Preston Thorpe edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 1 revision


Currently, UnlockEdv2 is tested on Windows (WSL), Mac (homebrew) and Ubuntu.

  • Docker (Docker Desktop on WSL)
  • PHP and Composer (Platform specific)


If you would like to contribute, please have a look at our contribution guidelines.

Dependencies (Local)

  • PHP 8.2
  • Composer
  • Node.js > 18.0
  • Docker && Docker-Compose

Dependencies (Deployment/Production)

  • PHP 8.2
  • Composer
  • Node.js > 18.0
  • MySql 8.0 | MariaDB
  • Apache2 | Nginx


It is generally recommended that nodeJS is installed with nvm. We support the latest versions of node so for local development, if your system version is >= 18 you should be all set, but the latest Node + npm is recommended.


The project requires php 8.2 with several extensions enabled, but it's recommended that you install the following:

sudo apt-get install php8.3-{bcmath,curl,xml,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip,fpm} -y

The commands below assume you have a shell alias setup in your .bashrc or .zshrc file for the sail command: alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail. If you haven't configured that, you can substitute any call to sail with ./vendor/bin/sail.

  • Clone the repository
  • Copy ‘.env.example’ to ‘.env’
  • Run composer install
  • Run sail up
  • Run sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • Run sail npm install
  • Run sail npm run dev
  • Open http://localhost in your browser
  • Login with SuperAdmin and password: ChangeMe!
  • You will be prompted immediately to set a new password, and then you will be redirected to the dashboard.
  • You can seed test data into the database by running sail artisan db:seed --class=TestSeeder

AUTH/Passport Setup:

  • In the command line, run: sail artisan passport:install This is only needed for integration with Canvas-LMS currently, and shouldn't be needed for most local development.

NOTE: If you have previously installed passport, you may need to add a --force flag to the command to overwrite the existing keys. (you will still have to manually copy the new client info to the .env file)

If you run sail artisan migrate:fresh (unless you use --env=testing), it will overwrite the client info in the database, and you will need to re-install/configure passport.


  • Run sail artisan db:seed --class=TestSeeder to seed the database with test data for local UI development if you need tables populated with fake data.


  • Naming and style convention is outlined in our file.
  • PHP: Run ./vendor/bin/pint or adjust your editor to run it on save.
  • TS: Run npx prettier -w . before committing, or adjust your editor to run it on save.

These commands will run automatically in a git hook before each commit, so you technically don't have to worry about it. IF for some reason you need to skip the hooks, you can run git commit --no-verify but do not do this if you intend on submitting a PR unless you know what you are doing and you understand the CI/CD will fail if you do.


Why is docker not starting properly when I run sail up?

Chances are, this is a permissions issue with docker. If you are new to docker, you may need to run sudo usermod -aG docker $USER to add yourself to the docker group. You will need to log out and back in for this to take effect. Try starting docker with sudo dockerd, or restarting the daemon with sudo systemctl restart docker.service, followed by docker run hello-world to ensure docker is running properly before again trying the sail up command.

Why am I getting a Laravel open stream failed: Permission (laravel.log || boostrap/cache/*.php) error when I open my web browser?

  • This occurs on most systems during a new install. To fix this, you can run the following commands in the root directory of the project: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage bootstrap/cache

Why is Mysql not starting properly?: (Sail)

  • While still running sail up in the background, open a new terminal and run docker-compose down --volumes, then after it fully shuts down, run ./vendor/bin/sail up --build

  • IF DB_HOST=mysql does not allow sail to work properly and you cannot connect to mysql: In some environments (uncommon) a .env with the DB_HOST set to the IP of the running docker container is necessary. You can run inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' unlockedv2_mysql_1(ifunlockedv2_mysql_1is the name of the mysql container, you can find this out by runningdocker ps`) and set the DB_HOST={your docker ip address}.

Why is the content not displaying, or the page is blank or receiving 500 errors? (Sail)

This could be any one of the following, or a combination

  • Run php artisan config:clear

  • Run php artisan config:cache

  • Run php artisan key:generate

  • Run sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed to rebuild the database and seed it with the default data.


  • Run sail artisan test

  • (Or alternatively ./vendor/bin/pest)

  • To generate a template for a Controller crud test, run:

    'sail artisan app:make-controller-test {name_of_controller}'

    and follow the prompts to generate the test for your handler.

NOTE: This is only a template and will need to be modified to fit your specific needs


Two tools you can use to aid in debugging:

  • laravel-debugbar - This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel: Run composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
  • React Developer Tools. This is available for several browser flavors and available on their website:

Debugbar for Laravel is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. React Developer Tools is used to inspect REACT components, edit props and state, and identify performance problems.