Event reminder written in python
There are 2 scripts. The cron_email.py script keeps running and checks the timetable.xlsx file for any events. It sends you a reminder email 5 mins before any weekly events
The second script timetable-maker.py can be run anytime to add a weekly event to our timetable that will henceforth have reminders scheduled
Change directory to preferred location
git clone https://github.com/UnknownAbyss/Event-Reminder.git
cd Event-Reminder/
Create a virtual environment
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the cron_email.py file in any editor of choice and input a Gmail-ID and Password in the respective variables as specified in the file. This email should allow less secure apps to access it
Run the cron_email.py file in your terminal of choice. This file has to keep running in the background as this is the scheduler that actually sends you email reminders 5 mins before the Events
Run the timetable-maker.py file in another terminal.
Input the following information in the Window that opens:
- Name: Your name
- Email: Email address you want to be reminded on
- Event: The event title for the reminder(Class, TV show name etc)
- Day of the week: Input numbers 1-7 for Monday to Sunday
- Time: Input time of event as 24 hours time with format HH:MM. 2 am should be written as 00:20 and not 2:00
- Details: Short description of the Task
Once you press submit, it'll check if the data you entered is valid and if so, it'll schedule a weekly task for it in the timetable
Additya Singhal