This contract allows users to claim tokens by providing a valid signature from an authorized signer.
- AccessControl from OpenZeppelin's
- SafeERC20 from OpenZeppelin's
- IERC20 from OpenZeppelin's
- UNITAP_ROLE: Role assigned to signers who can authorize token claims.
- usedNonces: A mapping of users' addresses to nonces they've used in order to prevent replay attacks.
- TokensClaimed: Emitted when a user successfully claims tokens.
- InvalidSignature: Thrown when the provided signature is not valid.
- NonceAlreadyUsed: Thrown when the provided nonce has already been used.
- constructor: Initializes the contract and grants the deployer the admin and UNITAP_ROLE.
- claimToken: Allows a user to claim tokens by providing a valid signature from an authorized signer.
- recoverSigner: Recovers the address of the signer from the provided message and signature.