Auction System is an open-source web project where users can create multiple auctions, set the date of the auction and then users are able to bid for the given item. When the auction ends the user with the highest bid wins the item.
- master - as this was one of the first projects I've developed, I decided to refactor the project in my free time. I've used CQRS pattern with MediatR. The mvc project is the same, I just built an API gateway, a new SPA and improved abstraction by using Clean Architecture. Down below you will find more information about the Clean Architecture.
- mvc-with-services - simple mvc project
Here's the basic architecture of this microservice template:
- Respecting policy rules, with dependencies always pointing inward
- Separation of technology details from the rest of the system
- Single responsibility of each layer
Username | Password | Role |
[email protected] | admin123 | Administrator |
[email protected] | test123 | User |
[email protected] | test123 | User |
- Register a Cloudinary account.
- Create a Cloud, API key and API secret.
- In the Presentation/Api/appsettings.json and Presentation/MvcWeb/appsettings.json configuration files insert the Cloud name, API key and API secret.
"Cloudinary": {
"CloudName": "AuctionSystemCloud",
"ApiKey": "488*********516",
"ApiSecret": "3m7******************KdS"
- Register a SendGrid account.
- Create an API key.
- Insert the API key in the following files:
- Presentation/Api/appsettings.json
- Presentation/MvcWeb/appsettings.json
"SendGrid": {
"ApiKey": "SG.5******************************************************DO-zfRp"
- Follow the docs
- In Presentation/Api/appsettings.json set RedisCacheSettings Enabled property to true
"RedisCacheSettings": {
"Enabled": true,
"ConnectionString": "localhost"
To run the project:
- In the /Presentation/Api folder, run in terminal:
dotnet run
and the project should be running now on https://localhost:5001
- In the /Presentation/SpaWeb folder, run in terminal:
npm install
npm start
the project should be running on http://localhost:3000
- Enjoy!!!