We live in a data-driven and hungry world. Data, big-data, meta-data.... what?! Truck Feed is a resource to provide you the locations of all the food trucks in San Francisco for your data hungry self! The map has a simple interface where you can filter food truck locations based on some popular food categories, timings and locations.
- Fetch data from sfdata.gov
- Display a map centered in San Francisco
- Be able to display data on the map
- Filter items & map based on food categories
- Filter items & map based on timings
- Filter items & map based on locations
- Learn about using data API's and fetch requests
- Scour the internet for data. Especially, Socrata.com(Basis for this idea was crime based and Socrata is a government data company).
- Youtube tutorial on data, JSON, APIs and javascript
- Tutorials learning canvas
- Research on managing markers on Google maps
- Research on customizing google maps (night-mode/ heat-map)
- Geo-charts and Fusion tables
- Javascript30
- Finalize proposal
- Finalize README.md with finished wireframes
- Create basic map and place markers based on Sf food truck data
- Create filter-ability
- Button clicks launch queries to retrieve relevant data
- Have map respond to data filters
- Customize map and filters
- Finish any remaining work
- Continue styling
- Expand past San Francisco
- Click on pin for more information