[Try out Lair-BnB!][heroku] [heroku]: http://lair-b-n-b.herokuapp.com/
Lair-BnB is for the superhero (or villain) in all of us! On this website, you are able to book lairs for next action packed get-away! This project was inspired by Air-BnB.
This website was developed in roughly 10 days. Visit back soon for further improvements more features!
- User Authentication - secure signup and login
- Splash page with a preview of the website
- Ability to view the website and lairs while logged out
- Once logged in, users are able book lairs
- Users can view their bookings and delete them
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Google Maps API
- PostgreSQL
- Modal pop up functionality for users to sign up and/or login.
- Search bar moves location weather a user is logged in
- Preview of all Lairs while on home page
- Shows all the lair's available to book
- Map show's listings locations
- Map not visible unless logged in (page layout changes smoothly)
- Lair show page shows a description of the lair along with booking form
- Map relocates to show current Lair's location
- Easy booking form to request to book a Lair
- React-dates used for calendar and date picking
- Successful booking leads you to you all of your bookings
- User can see details of booking and delete booking if needed
const mapStateToProps = ({ session, entities }) => {
const bookings = Object.values(entities.bookings).filter(
booking => booking.guest_id === session.currentUser.id
const listings = uniq(
bookings.map(booking => entities.listings[booking.listing_id])
).filter(listing => listing !== undefined);
return {
currentUser: session.currentUser,
- Filtering in and passing in necessary props in order to pass information through multiple slices of state and have them persist to database accurately was a challenging task which tested my logical thinking ability and process of thought.
- Re-positioning the map to show location of current listing vs mapping to a set location is a feature that increases the value of the user experience
componentDidMount() {
// set the map to show SF
let centerLatitude = this.props.listing
? this.props.listing.latitude
: 37.7758;
let centerLongitude = this.props.listing
? this.props.listing.longitude
: -122.435;
const mapOptions = {
center: {
lat: centerLatitude,
lng: centerLongitude
}, // this is SF
zoom: 13
this.map = new google.maps.Map(this.mapNode, mapOptions);
this.MarkerManager = new MarkerManager(
if (this.props.singleListing) {
} else {
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.props.singleListing) {
const targetListingKey = Object.keys(this.props.listings)[0];
const targetListing = this.props.listings[targetListingKey];
} else {
- Future search capabilities will allow you to view the maps within the searf parameters
- Search capability
- Ability to become hosts and post lairs
- Updated photo library & listings
- Allow users to review listings if they have stayed there
- Richer user signup and profile features