Client from service image api
Dont' use in production.
Add Bundle to your composer.json
"ugosansh/bundle-clientimage": "~0.1"
Enable bundle
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new Ugosansh\Bundle\Image\ClientBundle\UgosanshImageClientBundle(),
api: # Node api based from m6web WsClientBundle
base_url: "http://api.domain.tld"
timeout: 2
exceptions: false
logger: logger_service_name # (Option) A logger from WsClient service
default_image: "img/default-image.jpg" # (Option) Define default image
entity_class: Acme\Bundle\MyBundle\Entity\Image # (Option)
This bundles require
The configuration node api extends the configuration reference of WsClientBundle.
<!-- render(ImageInterface image, int width = null, int height = null, int crop = null, array attr = []); -->
{{ image_render(image, 200, 100, 1, {'class': 'thumbnail'}) }}