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Feeling Animals

A minecraft server plugin that enhances passive animal behavior.

📰 Overview

This plugin makes other animals flee when one is harmed.
It uses a fake entity that attacks the mobs in the radius to make them flee, but don't worry, it deals 0 damage. So it's safe.

💾 Downloads

You can go to the Releases page
Also the plugin is posted in this pages:

If you want to support me, you can do it with Ko-Fi

📷 Gallery

Here are a few images of the animals that the plugin changes. If you want to see all the images, you can go to the Gallery page.
Cow image
Goat image

🖥️ Commands

The main command is /feelinganimals but you can use /fa as an abbreviation.
Here is the list of the command that the plugin provides.

  • /fa help It displays the help menu, with all the commands.
  • /fa version It displays the version of the plugin.
  • /fa reload It reloads the configuration file of the plugin.

🔒 Permissions

There is only one permission node in the plugin, that makes the player capable of executing the above commands.
There isn't a permission to make the plugin work, it could be a good feature for the next version.

  • feelinganimals.commands Is the permission node that lets the player execute all plugin commands.

⚙️ Config File

Here is the config file for you to see.

# Feeling Animals, by UgUnaii
# English is not my first language, so you will encounter gramaticall errors. Please don't mind.

# This is the plugin config. You can change it as you like, that's what it is for.

  # Enable this part to enable the plugin.
  enabled: true

  # The radius is the distance in blocks that will affect other animals and make them also flee.
  # Animals that are not in this zone will not be affected.
  distance-radius: 10

  # The list of animals that will make the the others when punched.
    - COW
    - PIG
    - SHEEP
    - HORSE
    - FOX
    - GOAT

  # This is the prefix that will appear in the beggining of some messages of the plugin.
  # Make sure there is a space at the end, if not, the messages will appear next to the prefix without a space.
  # If you want to remove the prefix, you can just let the prefix in blank, just like this "".
  prefix: "&8[&6Feeling Animals&8] "

  # From here on, you will see the different messages that the plugin will send.
  # You can change or translate them as you want.
  # The default color for every message is white (&f), so if you don't put a color indicator in the beggining of a message, it will be white.
  no-permission: "&cSorry&f, but you don't have the &cpermission &fto execute this command."

  config-reloaded: "The config has been &areloaded&f."

  argument-needed: "&cSorry&f, you must provide an &cargument&f."

  invalid-argument: "&cSorry&f, the argument that you provided is &cinvalid&f."

  # You can use the variable ${version} where you like the most, but only in this message, in the others will not work.
  display-version: "The current version from the plugin is: ${version}"

  get-help: "If you need help, try using the &6/fa help &fcommand."

  # Here you can use the char \n to make a line jump.
  display-help: "This are the commands and their usage that the plugin provides.\n
  The main command is &6/feelinganimals &for &6/fa &ffor abbreviation.\n
  - &6/fa help &fdisplays this message.\n
  - &6/fa version &fdisplays the version of the plugin.\n
  - &6/fa reload &freloads the config file of the plugin."

📷 Full Gallery

Here are all the images for all the mobs that the plugin currently modifies.
Cow image
Chicken image
Pig image
Sheep image
Horse image
Fox image
Goat image


You can use this plugin for any server that you like. You are not obligated to credit the plugin if you will use it in a video or something like that, although you can if you want.