A tracking app for tasks where users can create, edit, and move tasks between different columns (e.g. "To Do", "In Progress", "Done").
Our app will use Google SignIn Authentication method, no need to register manually.
We're using Firebase firestore to record the data in real-time, so the task changes between board can synchronize immedieately.
As most crucial part of the app development the DDD (Domain-Driven Design) is chosen to shape our app because it's clear definition on each layer, which is will have four layer as follows
"Presentation" which is handle all of the widgets and state of the Widget's. As the output of the "Business Logic" this layer will directly associated with Application layer
"Application" the role of this layer is to perform the business logic using the BLoC StateManagement. This layer will be associated with Presentation layer, which is will output the process of the business logic
"Domain" this layer will contain all entities of our app and will not depend to any other layers instead the other layers will depends on this "Domain" layer
"Infrastructure" This layer will hold the data transfers both "remote" or "local", each data call will be covered on a "repository" class
State management using BLoC with Freezed while also implement the code generation to save some of lines, which is also support for union types and pattern-matching.
auto_route with it's code generation will handle our overall routing app.
The app is tested with the support of Mockito package with code generation.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
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