Releases: UTRS/utrs
Version 1.8.5
Version 1.8.4
Version 1.8.3
*Feature fix: Deal with Recaptcha v1 #148
Version 1.8.2
*Bugfix: Fix security issue #142
Version 1.8.1
Version 1.8
*Bugfix: Fix bug where html paragraph tag was showing up in templates #101
*Bugfix: Ban management bug for insufficient access #99
*Bugfix: Admin notification, wrong varible passed fix #104
*Tweak: Spelling fixes
*Feature: Site can be disabled via a maintenance splash page, root access required. #108
*Feature: OAuth enabled for all tool accounts #50
Version 1.7
*New Configurations: Travis, Composer, CodeClimate, CodeCov and PullApprove #68
*Enhancement: Forcing of HTTPS #53 #88
*Database change: utrs -> enwikipedia
*New database: utrs -> ptwikipedia
*Fix: Stop users from putting text in on forms over database limit #79 #75
*Enhancement: UserIDs hidden in userlist #89
*Fix: Unauthorized UTRSBot runs stopped on alpha/beta #82
*Bugfix: Fix instances of no blocking admin in reply #81 #85
*New Feature: List of tool users #31 #80
*Enhancement: Warning for Microsoft email users #84
*Enhancement: Small change to text on UTRSBot #72
Version 1.6
*New feature: Applies a notification to a blocked user's talk page upon email verification
*New feature: New "Blocking Admin" button automatically notifies blocking admins upon a request
*New feature: New "WMF Staff" button emails community outreach and places ticket in HOLD queue
*New feature: For IP appeals only, will request open proxy check when placed in OPP queue
*New feature: Obtain blocking admin via API #40
*New feature: Information added on what specifically the user is requesting unblock for
*Bug fix: Repaired "Autorized" language in ACP
*Bug fix: Repaired instances of [$lang]
*Fatal Bugfix: Fix so more than one IP appeal without a requested name is allowed at one time
*Security Patch: Remove "protected" log entries from statistics page
*Cosmetic Cleanup: Removal of blocking admin question on appeal form
*External Patching: Patched issues with Peachy (MW-Peachy/Peachy#108)
Version 1.5
*Bugfixes: Security fixes relating to the release of private data
*Policy: Updates to terms of service + new administrator's terms of service
*Bugfix: Fix ban object
*Enhancement: Use tag number vs commit hash for version
*Triage: Multiple minor bugfixes
*New feature: Notify users/admins on UTRS unblock requests
*New feature: Post an open proxy check to WP:OPP
Version 1.4
*Feature: WMF Release for Email and CU data #21
*Feature: Require logged reason to obtain email/CU data/oversighted information on appeals
*Feature: Invalid appeal status/button (basically nukes an appeal out of view)
*Pre-feature: Oversight user functions (nothing implemented working, only the background)
*Hacked fix: Hide all non-real account requests in user management via DB
*Enhancement: No registrations for persons banned on the tool
*Enhancement: No registrations for persons blocked on enwiki
*New Userrights: WMF Staff, CheckUser, Oversight
*Worsened a bug: #58 Now additionally all admins with a space are invalid
We are already a solid way on the road to 1.5.