This repository implemets
hardware sensor interface plugin for the robotiq force torque sensors
description for the robotiq ft300 and fts150
ros interfaces for the robotiq fts
It is tested for the Humble distribution
Most of the code is directly copied by the original ros1 driver Robotiq ros driver so the original licenses and maintainers remain.
# Step 1 Clone the repository
# Install debian depedencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# Build
colcon build --parallel-workers $(nproc) --base-paths src --symlink-install --event-handlers desktop_notification- status- --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=ON
# Source
. install/setup.bash
# robotiq ft 300
ros2 launch robotiq_ft_sensor_description
# ( not working )
ros2 launch robotiq_ft_sensor_description
ros2 launch robotiq_ft_sensor_hardware
# For real hardware
ros2 launch robotiq_ft_sensor_hardware namespace:=robotiq
If you do not have the actual hardware but want to test your system a fake mode parameter is used that will bypass the actual connection to the hardware
# Fake pass through
ros2 launch robotiq_ft_sensor_hardware use_fake_mode:=true namespace:=robotiq
The controller will publish a topic of type WrenchStamped on the topic name controller_name/wrench with the frame_id in the header as described here
update_rate: 125 # Hz
type: force_torque_sensor_broadcaster/ForceTorqueSensorBroadcaster
# will publish the robotiq_force_torque_sensor_broadcaster/wrench topic of type WrenchStamped with the given frame_id
sensor_name: robotiq_fts_sensor
- force.x
- force.y
- force.z
- torque.x
- torque.y
- torque.z
frame_id: robotiq_ft_frame_id
ftdi_id if empty string will automatically look for connected devices
In the robotiq_controllers.yaml an example configuration on how to chain the admittance controller with the scale joint trajectory controller is placed
The only requirement for the hardware interfaces to be dynamically loaded and run together by the controller manager is to add to your urdf the ros2 control macro
<xacro:macro name="robotiq_fts_ros2_control" params="
<ros2_control name="${name}robotiq_ft_sensor" type="sensor">
<param name="use_fake_mode">${use_fake_mode}</param>
<param name="use_add_fts_wrench">${use_add_fts_wrench}</param>
<param name="add_fts_wrench_topic">${add_fts_wrench_topic}</param>
<param name="max_retries">${max_retries}</param>
<param name="ftdi_id">${ftdi_id}</param>
<sensor name="robotiq_fts_sensor">
<state_interface name="force.x"/>
<state_interface name="force.y"/>
<state_interface name="force.z"/>
<state_interface name="torque.x"/>
<state_interface name="torque.y"/>
<state_interface name="torque.z"/>
Example to use the robotiq fts hardware interface in combination with your robot
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot xmlns:xacro="" name="$(arg name)">
<!-- args -->
<xacro:arg name="name" default="robotiq_ft_sensor"/> <!-- your robot name -->
<xacro:arg name="use_fake_mode" default="false"/>
<xacro:arg name="use_add_fts_wrench" default="true"/>
<xacro:arg name="add_fts_wrench_topic" default="add_fts_wrench"/>
<xacro:arg name="max_retries" default="100"/>
<xacro:arg name="ftdi_id" default=""/>
<xacro:arg name="tf_prefix" default=""/>
<!-- import robotiq ros2 control macro -->
<xacro:include filename="$(find robotiq_ft_sensor_description)/urdf/robotiq_fts.ros2_control.xacro" />
<!-- robotiq sensor hardware -->
name="$(arg name)"
use_fake_mode="$(arg use_fake_mode)"
use_add_fts_wrench="$(arg use_add_fts_wrench)"
add_fts_wrench_topic="$(arg add_fts_wrench_topic)"
max_retries="$(arg max_retries)"
ftdi_id="$(arg ftdi_id)"
The hardware interface creates an anonymous self spinning node to implement the service SensorAccessor in the service name robotiq_ft_sensor_acc instead of creating an additional controller.
Furthermore an optional WrenchStamped subscriber is created which will append the values received to the actual data from the sensor for test purposes.
Most of the code is directly copied by the original ros1 driver Robotiq ros driver so the original licenses and maintainers remain.