Python-based interface for the USDA/EPA's honey bee colony model BeePop+.
For more information about BeePop+ see Garber et al. 2022.
Developed by: Jeffrey Minucci
- Requirements
- Quick Start Guide
- Example Notebook
- API Documentation
- Compiling BeePop+ on Linux
- Contributing to pybeepop+
- Supported platforms:
- Windows 64-bit
- Linux 64-bit
- For Windows: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022
- For Linux, the bundled BeePop+ library was compiled for the manylinux/musllinux standards (musllinux via wheel only). If you encounter errors loading the library, you can try compiling BeePop+ yourself from source. Instructions for compiling BeePop+ for Linux are below. Source code is available on the project's GitHub page.
- Python version 3.8 or above.
- pandas > 2.0.0
- matplotlib > 3.1.0
Install the package into your Python environment using pip:
pip install pybeepop-plus
Import the PyBeePop class in your python code, e.g.:
from pybeepop import PyBeePop
Create a BeePop+ object:
beepop = PyBeePop()
Set parameters, weather and pesticide exposure levels (optional).
# define a dictionary of BeePop+ parameters (parameter_name: value) params = {"ICWorkerAdults": 10000, "ICWorkerBrood": 8000, "SimStart": "04/13/2015", "SimEnd": "09/15/2015", "AIAdultLD50: 0.04"} beepop.set_parameters(params) # load your weather file by giving its path weather = '/home/example/test_weather.txt' beepop.load_weather(weather) # load your pesticide residue file by giving its path (optional) pesticide_file = '/home/example/pesticide_residues.txt' beepop.load_contamination_file(pesticide_file)
Parameters that are not set by the user will take on the BeePop+ default values. For more information see the BeePop+ publication.For a list of exposed BeePop+ parameters, see docs/BeePop_exposed_parameters.csv.
For an explanation of the weather file format, see docs/weather_readme.txt.
For an explanation of the residue file format, see docs/residue_file_readme.txt.
Example files to run the model can be found at example_files/.
Run the Model and get the results as a pandas DataFrame
results = beepop.run_model() print(results)
Results from last simulation can also be returned using the get_output function, with options to return a DataFrame or a json string.
output = beepop.get_output() # pandas dataframe output_json = beepop.get_output(json_str=True) # json string
You can pass new parameters and/or update previously set ones (and optionally set a new weather file), and then run the model again. Parameters that were previously defined will remain set
# update value for ICWorkerAdults, InitColPollen, other values set previously remain params_new = {"ICWorkerAdults": 22200, "InitColPollen": 4000} beepop.set_parameters(parameters = params_new) new_results = beepop.run_model()
You can also set parameters using a .txt file where each line gives a parameter in the format "Parameter=Value".
Example my_parameters.txt:
RQEggLayDelay=10 RQReQueenDate=06/25/2015 RQEnableReQueen=False
In Python:
parameter_file = 'home/example/my_parameters.txt' my_parameters = beepop.load_input_file() print(my_parameters)
To get a list of the user-defined parameters:
my_parameters = beepop.get_parameters() print(my_parameters)
To plot the last output as a time series:
ax = beepop.plot_output() # default columns cols_to_plot = ["Dead Worker Adults", "Dead Foragers"] ax = beepop.plot_output(cols_to_plot) # custom columns
A Jupyter notebook with a working example of using pybeepop+
is available here.
Documentation of the pybeepop+ API can be found at:
- cmake > 3.2
- gcc or g++
Clone the BeePop+ repo:
git clone
Create a build directory:
cd VPopLib mkdir build cd build
Build the shared library:
cmake -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON .. cmake --build . --config Release
Now the .so file should have been created inside the /build directory. This shared library can be moved or renamed. You can pass the path to this .so file as lib_path when creating a PyBeePop object:
# pass the path to your previously compiled shared library file lib_file = '/home/example/' beepop = PyBeePop(lib_file)
For those in the user community wishing to contribute to this project:
- Code updates or enhancements can be made by forking and submitting pull requests that will be reviewed by repository admins.
- Software, code, or algorithm related bugs and issues can be submitted directly as issues on the GitHub repository.
- Support can be requested through GitHub issues.