- Adam R. Rivers
- Kyle Weber
Rivers, A.R., Weber. K.C., Gardner T. G., Liu, S., and Armstrong, S.D. 2018. ITSxpress: software to rapidly trim internally transcribed spacer sequences with quality scores for marker gene analysis. F1000 Research. In prep.
- Create an Conda environment. For instructions on installing Anaconda or Miniconda see this page: https://conda.io/miniconda.html
- The workflow is designed to be run on a HPC with a SLURM scheduler
# Create a new conda test environment
conda create --name itsxpresstestenv python=3.6 pandas
# activate the new environment
source activate itsxpresstestenv
# Install itsxpress and ITSx into the new environment
conda install -c bioconda itsxpress=1.6.1 itsx=1.1b
The workflow is broken into two parts. The first script, run1.sh
tasks with the SLURM scheduler and creates the trimmed fastq's and timing data.
Specifically it:
- merges reads and creates fasta files for ITSx
- De-replicates fasta files to estimate the proportion of unique reads
- Creates a CSV file summarizing the number of unique reads with dedup.py
- Submits the script
for the ITS1 and ITS2 regions to calculate the speedup from using ITSxpress - Submits
sbatch jobs for the its1 and its2 regions to understand how the program scales with more cores - Submits the script
to compare alignment similarity at 100% identity clustering
The second script, run2.sh
, summarizes the data and creates graphs. specifically it:
- Creates CSV's summarizing the timing data for the sample and thread experiments
- Runs pairwise alignment on the ITSx and ITSxpress results summarizing the differences
- Creates the plots in the paper using itsxpress_plots.R
|-- data
| |-- its1
| | |-- r1
| | |-- r2
| | `-- readme.txt
| |-- its1_derep
| |-- its2_merged
| |-- its1_fasta
| |-- its2
| | |-- r1
| | |-- r2
| | `-- readme.txt
| |-- its2_derep
| |-- its2_merged
| `-- its2_fasta
| |-- run1.sh
| |-- run2.sh
| |-- derep.py
| |-- test_samples.sh
| |-- test_100_samples.sh
| |-- test_threads.sh
| |-- compare_alignments.py
| |-- parsetiming.py
| `-- plots.R
|-- output
|-- dedup_out
|-- analysis
`-- README.md