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stefanengblom committed Jan 27, 2020
1 parent 0da200a commit a8d254b
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Showing 76 changed files with 6,995 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions workflows/DLCM/README.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
README for workflows/DLCM/

Discrete Laplacian Cell Mechanics: population-level modeling of
biological cells in continuous time.

S. Engblom 2018-06-21 (Minor revision)
S. Engblom and D. Wilson 2017-08-30

The DLCM workflow is a package distributed with URDME which can be
used to model living cells in a population. The modeling physics is
detailed in [1] and consists of a grid-based stochastic method. The
workflow may be used as a stand-alone package, or together with
solvers and other features of URDME.

This is the first release intended for URDME 1.4. A tighter
integration with URDME is scheduled for URDME 1.5. There are a few
(very mild) dependencies on functions from STENGLIB, download freely

PDE Toolbox is used to assemble the Laplacian operator over a Delaunay

Sample models:


Basic test of simulation of a population of cells (2D/3D).
Results summarized in §3.1 of [1].

Avascular tumour model, results in §3.4 of [1].

Chemotaxis slit-model, results in §3.2 of [1].

Delta-notch signalling in a growing population of cells.
Results summarized in §3.3 of [1].

Advanced Delta-notch signalling modeling in a growing
population of cells. This example is used as the running model
in [2]. Refer to the README-file within this directory.

Utility functions:

basic_mesh.m Basic regular mesh (Cartesian/hex).
dt_operators.m Operators over Delaunay triangulation.
graphics_color.m Color selection in plots.
map.m Mapping of indices.
mesh2dual.m Dual mesh from primal mesh.

[1] S. Engblom, D. B. Wilson, and R. E. Baker: "Scalable
population-level modeling of biological cells incorporating
mechanics and kinetics in continuous time", Roy. Soc. Open
Sci. 5(8) (2018).
[2] S. Engblom: "Stochastic simulation of pattern formation in
growing tissue: a multilevel approach", Bull. Math. Biol. 81 (2019).
Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/NDR/NDR1.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/NDR/NDR2.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/NDR/NDR6.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/Tumour.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/basic_test.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/basic_test_3D.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/basic_test_hex.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/delta_notch.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/delta_notch_fast.gif
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Binary file added workflows/DLCM/animations/gradient_growth.gif
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315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions workflows/DLCM/experiments/1_basic_test/basic_test.m
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% Basic test of simulation of a population of cells.
% Relaxation to equilibrium: here the cells start distributed within
% an internal square region filled with 2 cells (red) per voxel. The
% system then relaxes to equilibrium by, at any given point in time
% assume quasi steady-state and solve an equation for the 'cellular
% pressure'.

% Outline of method: at any given point in time we assume quasi
% steady-state and solve an equation for the 'cellular pressure' in
% the form of a Laplacian with source terms. Cells can move only
% -when they have empty voxels next to them (i.e. at boundary
% points), and here the gradient of the pressure in that direction
% is understood as a rate per unit of time to change position,
% -or in general, when a neighbor voxel is less populated than the
% current one, then the (positive) gradient of the pressure in
% that direction is again understood as a rate per unit of time to
% move.
% This stochastic process is simulated in continuous time in the
% form of a Markov chain.
% The algorithm thus consists of two steps:
% (1) assume quasi equlibrium (no cells make any large movements,
% only small movements about each center of mass) - solve the
% pressure equation with sources at each cell position where there
% are > 1 cells,
% (2) all rates determined in this way now imply a cell which can
% move - find out which ones moves first, and move it.

% S. Engblom 2017-12-20 (revision, more cleanup)
% S. Engblom 2017-08-29 (revision, cleanup)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-28 (reuse of factorization)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-25 (seriously finalized the physics)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-20 (finalized the physics)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-09 (hexagonal mesh)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-08 (notes on thinning)
% S. Engblom 2016-12-02 (revision)
% S. Engblom 2016-11-09 (revision)
% S. Engblom 2016-07-05 (minor revision)
% S. Engblom 2016-05-01

% cells live in a square of Nvoxels-by-Nvoxels
Nvoxels = 40;
% select Nvoxels large enough so that no cell touches the boundary

% diffusive pressure rate
Drate = 1;

% fetch discretization (mesh_type = 1 or 2)
if ~exist('mesh_type','var'), error('Must define mesh_type.'); end
[P,E,T,gradquotient] = basic_mesh(mesh_type,Nvoxels);
[V,R] = mesh2dual(P,E,T,'voronoi');

% assemble minus the Laplacian on this grid (ignoring BCs), the voxel
% volume vector, and the sparse neighbor matrix
[L,dM,N] = dt_operators(P,T);

% initial population
ii = find(max(abs(P),[],1) <= 0.4);
U = fsparse(ii(:),1,2,[Nvoxels^2 1]);
% (format: U = {0,1,2} for {empty,one cell,two cells})

% simulation interval
Tend = 100;
% solution recorded at this grid:
tspan = linspace(0,Tend,41);

if ~exist('report_progress','var')
report_progress = true;
if report_progress

% representation of solution: cell-vector of sparse matrices
Usave = cell(1,numel(tspan));

tt = tspan(1);
Usave{1} = U;
i = 1;
neigh = full(max(sum(N,2))); % (= 4 or 6)
% logic for reuse of LU-factorizations
updLU = true;
La = struct('X',0,'L',0,'U',0,'p',0,'q',0,'R',0);
while tt <= tspan(end)
% $$$ % visualization (somewhat slow)
% $$$ figure(1), clf,
% $$$ patch('Faces',R,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9], ...
% $$$ 'EdgeColor','none');
% $$$ hold on,
% $$$ axis([-1 1 -1 1]); axis square, axis off
% $$$ ii = find(U == 1);
% $$$ patch('Faces',R(ii,:),'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',[0 1 0]);
% $$$ jj = find(U > 1);
% $$$ patch('Faces',R(jj,:),'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',[1 0 0]);
% $$$ drawnow;

% classify the Degrees-Of-Freedoms (DOFs for short)

% active DOFs: occupied voxels
adof = find(U);

% boundary DOFs _which may move_: containing one cell per voxel and
% with an empty voxel besides it
bdof_m = find(N*(U > 0) < neigh & U == 1);

% source DOFs containing more than one cell per voxel (actually 2)
sdof = find(U > 1);

% source DOFs _which may move_: with a voxel containing less number of
% cells next to it (actually 1 or 0)
sdof_m = find(N*(U > 1) < neigh & U > 1);

% injection DOFs: the layer of voxels "just outside" adof where we may
% inject a BC (pressure 0 of the free matrix)
idof = find(N*(U ~= 0) > 0 & U == 0);

% "All DOFs" = adof + idof, like the "hull of adof"
Adof = [adof; idof];
% (after this adof is not used)

% The above will be enumerated within U, a Nvoxels^2-by-1 sparse
% matrix. Determine also a local enumeration, eg. [1 2 3
% ... numel(Adof)].
Adof_ = (1:numel(Adof))';
[bdof_m_,sdof_,sdof_m_,idof_] = ...

if updLU
% pressure Laplacian - factorization is reused
La.X = L(Adof,Adof);

% selecting all injection DOFs
Lai = fsparse(idof_,idof_,1,size(La.X));
% remove eqs (rows) for injection DOFs, replace with direct injection
La.X = La.X-Lai*La.X+Lai;

% factorize
[La.L,La.U,La.p,La.q,La.R] = lu(La.X,'vector');
updLU = false; % assume we can reuse

% RHS source term proportional to the over-occupancy (the rest of the
% zeros ensure the homogeneous Dirichlet BC is satisfied at idof)
Pr = full(fsparse(sdof_,1,1./dM(sdof),[size(La.X,1) 1])); % RHS
Pr(La.q) = La.U\(La.L\(La.R(:,La.p)\Pr));
% with [L,U,p,q,R] = lu(A,'vector'), then R(:,p)\A(:,q) = L*U
%Pr = La.X\full(fsparse(sdof_,1,1./dM(sdof),[size(La.X,1) 1]));

% Movement rates are proportional to minus the pressure gradient (with
% homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in the layer of voxels
% just outside the boundary).

% compute intensities of possible events

% moving boundary DOFs: each empty neighbour voxel is associated with
% a flow rate proportional to the pressure gradient in that
% direction integrated over the corresponding edge
grad = sum(N(bdof_m,idof),2).*Pr(bdof_m_); % (note: Dirichlet 0 BCs)
moveb = Drate*full(gradquotient*grad);

% also certain sources may move by the same physics
[ii,jj_] = find(N(sdof_m,Adof)); % neighbours...
keep = find(U(Adof(jj_)) < 2); % move to
ii = reshape(ii(keep),[],1); jj_ = reshape(jj_(keep),[],1);
% remove any possibly remaining negative rates
grad = fsparse(ii,1,max(Pr(sdof_m_(ii))-Pr(jj_),0),numel(sdof_m));
moves = Drate*full(gradquotient*grad);

intens = [moveb; moves];

% waiting time until next event and the event itself
lambda = sum(intens);
dt = -reallog(rand)/lambda;
rnd = rand*lambda;
cum = intens(1);
ix_ = 1;
while rnd > cum
ix_ = ix_+1;
cum = cum+intens(ix_);
% (now ix_ points to the intensity which fired first)

% record values as needed
if tspan(i+1) < tt+dt
iend = i+find(tspan(i+1:end) < tt+dt,1,'last');
Usave(i+1:iend) = {U};
i = iend;

if ix_ <= numel(moveb)
% movement of a boundary (singly occupied) voxel: find DOF of event in
% global enumeration
ix = Adof(bdof_m_(ix_));

% neighbors of boundary DOF ix... which are empty... which is the one
% selected at random
n = find(N(ix,:));
n = n(U(n) == 0);
n = n(ceil(numel(n)*rand));

% execute event: move from ix to n
U(ix) = U(ix)-1;
U(n) = U(n)+1;
updLU = true;
% movement of a cell in a doubly occupied voxel
ix_ = ix_-numel(moveb);
ix_ = sdof_m_(ix_);
ix = Adof(ix_);

% select neighbor to move to
jx_ = find(N(ix,Adof));
jx_ = jx_(U(Adof(jx_)) < 2); % only allow moves to less populated voxels
% the pressure gradient drives the movement
rates = max(Pr(ix_)-Pr(jx_),0); % thinning of negative gradients
m = find(cumsum(rates) > rand*sum(rates),1,'first');
n = Adof(jx_(m));

% execute event: move from ix to n
if U(n) == 0
updLU = true;
U(ix) = U(ix)-1;
U(n) = U(n)+1;
tt = tt+dt;

% P2A measure of circularity over time
P2A = zeros(1,numel(Usave));
for i = 1:numel(Usave)
ii = find(Usave{i});
[j,Area] = convhull(P(1,ii),P(2,ii));
Perimeter = sum(sqrt(diff(P(1,ii(j))).^2+diff(P(2,ii(j))).^2));
P2A(i) = Perimeter^2/(4*pi*Area);


% postprocessing: visualization in true time
M = struct('cdata',{},'colormap',{});
for i = 1:numel(Usave)
patch('Faces',R,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9],'EdgeColor','none');
hold on,
axis([-1 1 -1 1]); axis square, axis off
ii = find(Usave{i} == 1);
patch('Faces',R(ii,:),'Vertices',V, ...
'FaceColor',graphics_color('bluish green'));
jj = find(Usave{i} > 1);
patch('Faces',R(jj,:),'Vertices',V, ...
title(sprintf('t = %f',tspan(i)));
M(i) = getframe(gcf);

% P2A measure of circularity over time
P2A = zeros(1,numel(Usave));
for i = 1:numel(Usave)
ii = find(Usave{i});
[j,Area] = convhull(P(1,ii),P(2,ii));
Perimeter = sum(sqrt(diff(P(1,ii(j))).^2+diff(P(2,ii(j))).^2));
P2A(i) = Perimeter^2/(4*pi*Area);
figure(2), plot(tspan,P2A);

% uncomment to save:
% $$$ movie2gif(M,{M(1:2).cdata},'animations/basic_test.gif', ...
% $$$ 'delaytime',0.1,'loopcount',0);
% $$$ movie2gif(M,{M(1:2).cdata},'animations/basic_test_hex.gif', ...
% $$$ 'delaytime',0.1,'loopcount',0);

% a few frames
j = 1;
for i = [1 2 numel(Usave)]
j = j+1;
figure(j), clf,
patch('Faces',R,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9],'EdgeColor','none');
hold on,
axis([-1 1 -1 1]); axis square, axis off
ii = find(Usave{i} == 1);
patch('Faces',R(ii,:),'Vertices',V, ...
'FaceColor',graphics_color('bluish green'));
jj = find(Usave{i} > 1);
patch('Faces',R(jj,:),'Vertices',V, ...

set(gcf,'Position',[100 100 340 220]);

% uncomment to save:
% $$$ figure(2),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_1.eps
% $$$ figure(3),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_2.eps
% $$$ figure(4),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_end.eps

% $$$ figure(2),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_1_hex.eps
% $$$ figure(3),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_2_hex.eps
% $$$ figure(4),
% $$$ print -depsc figures/basic_test_end_hex.eps
Binary file not shown.

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