With the help of this framework, you can de-identify senstive data from your clinical documents. It was developed at the University Hospital Essen by the SHIP.AI team.
These are the PHI categories and types that are annotated:
PHI category | PHI type | Description |
Age | Age | Age in years |
Contact | Email address | |
Contact | Fax | Fax number |
Contact | IPAddress | IP address |
Contact | Phone | Telephone number |
Contact | URL | URL of a webpage |
Date | Birthdate | Birthdate |
Date | Date | Date |
ID | PatientID | Medical record number or other patient identifier |
ID | StudyID | Study title or name of a study |
ID | Other | Other identification number |
Location | Organization | Name of an organization |
Location | Hospital | Name of a hospital, ward or other medical facility |
Location | State | Name of a state |
Location | Country | Name of a country |
Location | City | Name of a city or city district |
Location | Street | Street name including street number |
Location | ZIP | ZIP-code |
Location | Other | Other location |
Name | Patient | Name of a patient |
Name | Staff | Name of a doctor or medical staff member |
Name | Other | Name of a family member or other related person |
Profession | Profession | Job title |
Profession | Status | Employment status |
Other | PHI not covered by other types |
We are planning to release fine-tuned models on pseudonymized data. We will update this page as soon as the models are publicly available.
In its current form, this project serves as a blueprint for the de-identification of clinical documents. With the availability of fine-tuned models, other healthcare institions are able to use this repository for in-house de-identification.
Make sure the model you are using is placed in the model
directory. The model should be loadable with the huggingface transformers library. It is highly recommended, that the model is fine-tuned on a de-identification task. Otherwise it probably won't do correct predictions.
You can build the docker image with
bash generate_version.sh
docker build -t ship-ai/dome .
Set the variables $INPUT_FOLDER
to the folder where the original documents are stored and the folder where the deidentified documents should be stored.
docker run \
--rm \
-v $INPUT_FOLDER:/input\
-v $OUTPUT_FOLDER:/output \
--runtime=nvidia \
--network host \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--shm-size=8g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 \
--entrypoint /bin/sh \
ship-ai/dome \
-c \
"python -m dome.cli --input-folder /input --output-folder /output --verbose"
The decision which PHI are removed, replaced or shifted are stored in the config/default-config.yaml
. You can change these values for each PHI according to your needs. Allowed values are
- redact
- replace
- shift
- keep
removes the PHI and replaces each character with an X
replaces the PHI with the PHI-tag that contains the PHI category and type. shift
shifts date or age values for a specific value. The value for the shift are also stored in the config-file under OFFSET
. If you just want to leave a PHI untouched because it is not considered sensitive by your institution, you can set the value to keep
. By default, each PHI is replaced with a PHI tag.
For fine-tuning an transformer model on a clinical de-identification task, you need to make sure that you have an annotated dataset that is compatible with the UIMA Cas Typesystem defined in config/TypeSystem.xml
. Also you need to set the correct path to your dataset in an environment file like in env/train-example.env
. In this file you can also set hyperparameters used for training. After you correctly set all necessary environment variables, you can execute
poetry run python -m dome.bert \
--env envs/train_example.env
In order to evaluate the results of your model, there is a eval module in this framework. You can execute
poetry run python -m dome.eval \
--typesystem config/TypeSystem.xml \
--ground-truth path_to/ground_truth \
--prediction path_to/predictions \
--eval-name example_evaluation
You need to specify the CAS typesystem you are using, the path to the ground truth dataset, the path to the predictions of your model and a name for the evaluation. The results are written into a results
folder in your cwd as a csv table.