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Fix for not finding BP mods and lua mods if there are unicode characters in game path #43

Fix for not finding BP mods and lua mods if there are unicode characters in game path

Fix for not finding BP mods and lua mods if there are unicode characters in game path #43

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow automates the build process for all modes of the UE4SS project whenever a pull request is made.
# It dynamically calculates the build matrix based on the modes defined in the project and reports artifacts to the PR comments.
name: Build All Modes
contents: write
pull-requests: write # For adding comments to PR.
- 'main'
- ''
- '.github/workflows/pushdocs.yml'
- '.github/'
- '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/**'
- 'assets/**'
- 'docs/**'
- 'docs-export/**'
- 'docs-repo-template/**'
# Ensure that rapid pushes to the pull request branch don't trigger this workflow multiple times.
# We only care about executing this workflow for that 'latest' commit on a PR.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# Dynamically calculate which modes to build.
# We also need to determine which modes should upload artifacts.
name: Calculate job matrix
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# JSON array with the following schema:
# [
# {
# "mode": "Game__Shipping__Win64",
# "artifact": false
# },
# ...
# ]
matrix: ${{ steps.calculate-artifacts.outputs.matrix }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: recursive # Clone the submodule so we can query xmake on the entire project.
token: ${{ secrets.UEPSEUDO_PAT }}
# Build modes are supplied by xmake, so we have to download and setup the xmake environment.
- name: Setup xmake
uses: xmake-io/github-action-setup-xmake@v1
xmake-version: "2.9.3"
actions-cache-folder: '.xmake-cache' # This auto-cache functionality only works on linux runners.
# `xmake ci --dump=modes` returns a JSON array of all UE4SS modes that xmake knows how to build.
- name: Get xmake Modes
id: get-xmake-modes
shell: pwsh
run: |
$modes = (xmake ci --dump=modes)
echo "all_modes=$modes" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Construct the build matrix by adding `"artifact": true/false` to each mode.
- name: Finalize Mode Matrix
uses: actions/github-script@v7
id: calculate-artifacts
ALL_MODES: '${{steps.get-xmake-modes.outputs.all_modes}}'
REQUESTED_MODES: '["Game__Shipping__Win64", "Game__Debug__Win64"]'
result-encoding: string
script: |
const { ALL_MODES, REQUESTED_MODES } = process.env;
const requestedModes = JSON.parse(REQUESTED_MODES)
const modeSchema = JSON.parse(ALL_MODES).map(m => ({mode: m, artifact: requestedModes.includes(m) }));
core.setOutput('matrix', JSON.stringify(modeSchema));
# Build UE4SS for each mode we received from the `calculate_matrix` job.
name: ${{ matrix.mode }}
needs: [ calculate-matrix ] # Ensure the mode/artifact matrix has been generated before we launch this job.
fail-fast: false # Disable fast failing because we want to cancel other modes if one fails.
# Use our generated matrix to populate the `include` array.
include: ${{ fromJSON(needs.calculate-matrix.outputs.matrix) }}
# Run our reusable workflow for each mode in our matrix.
uses: ./.github/workflows/msvc_build_ue4ss.yml
secrets: inherit # Inherit secrets from this workflow to safely pass `secrets.UE4SS_PAT` to our reusable workflow.
build-mode: ${{ matrix.mode }}
commit-sha: ${{ github.sha }} # This is the SHA of the PR merge result, not the HEAD of the PR branch!
should-upload-artifact: ${{ matrix.artifact }}
# List that declares which xmake targets should have their output uploaded as an artifact.
# Available targets should be in the list generated by `xmake ci --dump=targets`.
# This specifies that the `UE4SS` target should upload its target file and symbol file.
# Ex. UE4SS.dll + UE4SS.pdb
artifact-list: '["UE4SS"]'
artifact-retention-days: 14
# Report artifacts as a pull request comment.
if: ${{ always() && contains(needs.calculate-matrix.result, 'success') }}
needs: [calculate-matrix, build]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Report Artifacts"
uses: bitonality/[email protected]
comment-mode: 'CreateOrUpdate'