The MDSvis package implements visualization of Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS)
objects representing a low dimensional projection of cytometry samples.
Such objects can be obtained using the functionalities implemented in the
package. The visualization is realised via a Shiny app that allows
the user to interactively customise the plots depending on a series of input
Below a screenshot of the app 'View' tab. The controls on the side allow to
choose the projection axes, colour, label, or shape the points according to
phenodata variables, add biplot, show a plotly
plot for interactive plot
exploration or flip axes.
To install the package run the following lines:
if (!require("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
devtools::install_github(repo = '')
Note that CytoMDS version 1.3.5 or above needs to be installed before.
The MDSvis
code is provided under GPL license version 3.0 or
higher. The documentation,
including the manual pages and the vignettes, are distributed under a CC BY-SA
4.0 license.
If you use MDSvis
in your research, please use the following citation:
Hauchamps, Philippe, Simon Delandre, Stephane T. Temmerman, Dan Lin, and Laurent Gatto. 2024. “Visual Quality Control with CytoMDS, a Bioconductor Package for Low Dimensional Representation of Cytometry Sample Distances.” bioRxiv.