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Basic 1D Electrostatic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) codes
by Viktor K. Decyk ([email protected])
copyright 1994-2024, regents of the university of california

This program contains a simple 1D electrostatic Particle-in-Cell (PIC)
code, which contains the fundamental procedures needed for such code, as
as well as some additional diagnostics.  It is intended to provide a
structure which can be extended to allow students to explore concepts
encountered in a plasma physics class or for a simple research project.
It is also useful for testing and evaluating new algorithms or
diagnostics.  The main code is written in Python and makes use of
Fortran modules and interactive graphics.  It requires numpy and

PIC codes are widely used in plasma physics.  They model plasmas as
particles which interact self-consistently via the electromagnetic
fields they themselves produce.  PIC codes generally have three
important procedures in the main iteration loop.  The first is the
deposit, where some particle quantity, such as a charge, is accumulated
on a grid via interpolation to produce a source density.  The second
important procedure is the field solver, which solves Maxwell’s equation
or a subset to obtain the electric and/or magnetic fields from the
source densities.  Finally, once the fields are obtained, the particle
forces are found by interpolation from the grid, and the particle
co-ordinates are updated, using Newton’s second law and the Lorentz
force.  The particle processing parts dominate over the field solving
parts in a typical PIC application. 

More details about PIC codes can be found in the texts by C. K. Birdsall
and A. B. Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, 1985,
R. W. Hockney and J. W. Eastwood, Computer Simulation Using Particles,
1981, and John M. Dawson, "Particle simulation of plasmas", Rev. Mod.
Phys. 55, 403 (1983).  Details about the mathematical equations and
units used in this code is given in the companion article,
"Description of Electrostatic Spectral Code from the UPIC Framework" by
Viktor K. Decyk, UCLA, in the file ESModels.pdf.

No warranty for proper operation of this software is given or implied.
Software or information may be copied, distributed, and used at own
risk; it may not be distributed without this notice included verbatim
with each file.  If use of these codes results in a publication, an
acknowledgement is requested.

The code here uses the simplest force, the electrostatic Coulomb
interaction, obtained by solving a Poisson equation.  A spectral method
using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) is used to solve the Poisson
equation.  A real to complex FFT is used, and the data in Fourier space
is stored in a packed format, where the input and output sizes are the
same.  The boundary conditions are periodic, only electron species are
included, and linear interpolation is used.

Particles are initialized with a uniform distribution in space and two
gaussian distributions in velocity space.  The inner loop contains a
charge deposit, an add guard cell procedure, a Poisson solver, two FFTs,
a copy guard cell procedure, and a particle push procedure.  The final
energy and timings are printed.  A sample output file for the default
input parameters is included in the file output1.

In more detail, the inner loop of the code contains the following

Deposit section:
   wgpost1: deposit charge density
   waguard1: add charge density guard cells

Field solve section:
   wfft1r: FFT charge density to fourier space
   wpois1: calculate smoothed longitudinal electric field in fourier
   wfft1r: FFT smoothed electric field to real space

Particle Push section:
   wcguard1: fill in guard cells for smoothed electric field
   wgmpush1: update particle co-ordinates with smoothed electric field:
             x(t)->x(t+dt); v(t-dt/2)->v(t+dt/2)

The main inputs to the code are the grid parameter indx, the particle
numbers parameters npx, npxb, the time parameters tend, dt, the velocity
parameters vtx, vx0, vtdx, and vdx, and the multitasking parameter nvp.

In more detail:
indx = exponent which determines length in x direction, nx=2**indx.
   These ensure the system lengths are a power of 2.
npx = number of electrons distributed in x direction.
npxb = number of beam electrons in x direction
   The total number of particles in the simulation is np = npx + npxb.
tend = time at end of simulation, in units of plasma frequency.
dt = time interval between successive calculations.
   The number of time steps the code runs is given by tend/dt+1.
   dt should be less than or equal to .2 for the electrostatic code.
vtx = thermal velocity of electrons in x direction
   a typical value is 1.0.
vx0 = drift velocity of electrons in x direction.
vtdx = thermal velocity of beam electrons in x direction
vdx = drift velocity of beam electrons in x direction
nvp = number of shared memory threads (0=default)

There are also optional parameters to externally excite plasma waves:
amodex = wave number which determines k0 = 2*pi*amodex/NX
freq = frequency of external wave driver
trmp = ramp-up time for external wave driver
toff = shut-off time for external wave driver
The external driver is of the form:
fxe(x) = fxe(x) + e1*sin(k0*x + freq*time) + e2*cos(k0*x - freq*time)
    e1 = el0*(time/trmp), e2 = er0*(time/trmp), if time < trmp
    e1 = el0,             e2 = er0,             if trmp < time < toff
    e1 = el0*((toff+trmp-time)/trmp), e2 = er0*((toff+trmp-time)/trmp)
                                           if toff < time < toff+trmp
    e1 = 0,               e2 = 0,               if time > toff+trmp
if toff < 0 => toff = + infinity
There is a linear ramp and the beginning and at the end. By default,
this driver is turned off

There are additional parameters for diagnostics:
The parameters nte, ntv, nts, ntw control how how many time steps
between diagnostics, nmv controls velocity space resolution.
In more detail:
nte = number of time steps between electric field display
ntv = number of time steps between velocity-space diagnostic
nmv = number of segments in v for velocity distribution
nts = number of time steps between phase space display
ntw = number of time steps between energy display 

The major program files contained here include:  Main Python user interface to this program      Main Python script
espic1.f90     Fortran90 main program 
push1.f        Fortran procedure library
diag1.f        Fortran diagnostic library
push1_h.f90    Fortran90 procedure interface (header) library
diag1_h.f90    Fortran90 diagnostic interface (header) library
wpush1.f90     Wrapper library for Fortran procedures
dwpush1.f90    Double precision wrapper library for Fortran procedures
wdiag1.f90     Wrapper library for Fortran diagnostic procedures
dwdiag1.f90    Double precision wrapper library for Fortran diagnostic
omplib.f90     OpenMP support library
dtimer_hpy.f90 Wrapper library for Unix timer dtimer.c
dtimer.c       C Unix timer function

Files with the suffix .f90 and .f adhere to the Fortran 90 standard,
files with the suffix .c adhere to the C99 standard.  Files with the
suffix .py will run with either python2 or python3.

The makefile is setup to use gfortran with Linux.  Other compilers are
supported in the Makefile, but are commented out.  

To compile the python modules, execute: make or make python

To execute with the GUI (Graphical User Interface), type:
python3 or python

Details about the GUI is given in the file PIC1_GUI.pdf.

It is also possible to execute the program in Python without the GUI,
by typing: python3 or python

One can also create a Fortran main program without Python or the GUI
by executing:
make fortran
This will create an executable called espic1, which can be executed by 

The particle push (wgmpush1) runs in parallel by default.  One can also
run a serial particle push (wgpush1) by setting the input parameter
nvp = 1, in either or espic1.f90.


Viktor Decyks enhanced skeleton code with Python GUI







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