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In this repo i learn how to create a Tcp chat using python sockets

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In this repo I learn how to create Tcp Chat room to practice Python Socket And here the tutorial that i follow


Python is a great programming language for computer networking. It allows us to create solid applications very fast and easily. In this tutorial, we are going to implement a fully-functioning TCP chat. We will have one server that hosts the chat and multiple clients that connect to it and communicate with each other. At the end, you can also add custom features like chat rooms, commands, roles etc., if you want to. Client-Server Architecture

For our application, we will use the client-server architecture. This means that we will have multiple clients (the users) and one central server that hosts everything and provides the data for these clients.

Therefore, we will need to write two Python scripts. One will be for starting the server and one will be for the client. We will have to run the server first, so that there is a chat, which the clients can connect to. The clients themselves, are not going to directly communicate to each other but via the central server. Implementing The Server

Now let’s start by implementing the server first. For this we will need to import two libraries, namely socket and threading. The first one will be used for the network connection and the second one is necessary for performing various tasks at the same time.

import socket import threading

The next task is to define our connection data and to initialize our socket. We will need an IP-address for the host and a free port number for our server. In this example, we will use the localhost address ( and the port 55555. The port is actually irrelevant but you have to make sure that the port you are using is free and not reserved. If you are running this script on an actual server, specify the IP-address of the server as the host. Check out this list of reserved port numbers for more information.

Connection Data

host = '' port = 55555

Starting Server

server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.bind((host, port)) server.listen()

Lists For Clients and Their Nicknames

clients = [] nicknames = []

When we define our socket, we need to pass two parameters. These define the type of socket we want to use. The first one (AF_INET) indicates that we are using an internet socket rather than an unix socket. The second parameter stands for the protocol we want to use. SOCK_STREAM indicates that we are using TCP and not UDP.

After defining the socket, we bind it to our host and the specified port by passing a tuple that contains both values. We then put our server into listening mode, so that it waits for clients to connect. At the end we create two empty lists, which we will use to store the connected clients and their nicknames later on.

Sending Messages To All Connected Clients

def broadcast(message): for client in clients: client.send(message)

Here we define a little function that is going to help us broadcasting messages and makes the code more readable. What it does is just sending a message to each client that is connected and therefore in the clients list. We will use this method in the other methods.

Now we will start with the implementation of the first major function. This function will be responsible for handling messages from the clients.

Handling Messages From Clients

def handle(client): while True: try: # Broadcasting Messages message = client.recv(1024) broadcast(message) except: # Removing And Closing Clients index = clients.index(client) clients.remove(client) client.close() nickname = nicknames[index] broadcast('{} left!'.format(nickname).encode('ascii')) nicknames.remove(nickname) break

As you can see, this function is running in a while-loop. It won’t stop unless there is an exception because of something that went wrong. The function accepts a client as a parameter. Everytime a client connects to our server we run this function for it and it starts an endless loop.

What it then does is receiving the message from the client (if he sends any) and broadcasting it to all connected clients. So when one client sends a message, everyone else can see this message. Now if for some reason there is an error with the connection to this client, we remove it and its nickname, close the connection and broadcast that this client has left the chat. After that we break the loop and this thread comes to an end. Quite simple. We are almost done with the server but we need one final function.

Receiving / Listening Function

def receive(): while True: # Accept Connection client, address = server.accept() print("Connected with {}".format(str(address)))

    # Request And Store Nickname
    nickname = client.recv(1024).decode('ascii')

    # Print And Broadcast Nickname
    print("Nickname is {}".format(nickname))
    broadcast("{} joined!".format(nickname).encode('ascii'))
    client.send('Connected to server!'.encode('ascii'))

    # Start Handling Thread For Client
    thread = threading.Thread(target=handle, args=(client,))

When we are ready to run our server, we will execute this receive function. It also starts an endless while-loop which constantly accepts new connections from clients. Once a client is connected it sends the string ‘NICK’ to it, which will tell the client that its nickname is requested. After that it waits for a response (which hopefully contains the nickname) and appends the client with the respective nickname to the lists. After that, we print and broadcast this information. Finally, we start a new thread that runs the previously implemented handling function for this particular client. Now we can just run this function and our server is done.

Notice that we are always encoding and decoding the messages here. The reason for this is that we can only send bytes and not strings. So we always need to encode messages (for example using ASCII), when we send them and decode them, when we receive them.


Implementing The Client

A server is pretty useless without clients that connect to it. So now we are going to implement our client. For this, we will again need to import the same libraries. Notice that this is now a second separate script.

import socket import threading

The first steps of the client are to choose a nickname and to connect to our server. We will need to know the exact address and the port at which our server is running.

Choosing Nickname

nickname = input("Choose your nickname: ")

Connecting To Server

client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(('', 55555))

As you can see, we are using a different function here. Instead of binding the data and listening, we are connecting to an existing server.

Now, a client needs to have two threads that are running at the same time. The first one will constantly receive data from the server and the second one will send our own messages to the server. So we will need two functions here. Let’s start with the receiving part.

Listening to Server and Sending Nickname

def receive(): while True: try: # Receive Message From Server # If 'NICK' Send Nickname message = client.recv(1024).decode('ascii') if message == 'NICK': client.send(nickname.encode('ascii')) else: print(message) except: # Close Connection When Error print("An error occured!") client.close() break

Again we have an endless while-loop here. It constantly tries to receive messages and to print them onto the screen. If the message is ‘NICK’ however, it doesn’t print it but it sends its nickname to the server. In case there is some error, we close the connection and break the loop. Now we just need a function for sending messages and we are almost done.

Sending Messages To Server

def write(): while True: message = '{}: {}'.format(nickname, input('')) client.send(message.encode('ascii'))

The writing function is quite a short one. It also runs in an endless loop which is always waiting for an input from the user. Once it gets some, it combines it with the nickname and sends it to the server. That’s it. The last thing we need to do is to start two threads that run these two functions.

Starting Threads For Listening And Writing

receive_thread = threading.Thread(target=receive) receive_thread.start()

write_thread = threading.Thread(target=write) write_thread.start()

And now we are done. We have a fully-functioning server and working clients that can connect to it and communicate with each other.  Running The Chat

Let’s go for a test run. Just keep in mind that we always need to start the server first because otherwise the clients can’t connect to a non-existing host. Here you can see an example of a chat with two clients (you can also connect with 20 if you want):

Server Log

Connected with ('', 4970) Nickname is Neural Connected with ('', 4979) Nickname is Nine

Client A Log

Choose your nickname: Neural Neural joined!Connected to server! Nine joined! Hello Neural: Hello Nine: What's up? Not much! How about you? Neural: Not much! How about you? Nine: Same! Gotta Go! Bye! Nine left!

Client B Log

Choose your nickname: Nine Nine joined! Connected to server! Neural: Hello What's up? Nine: What's up? Neural: Not much! How about you? Same! Gotta Go! Bye! Nine: Same! Gotta Go! Bye!

As you can see, it works very well! You can now modify and customize your chat however you want. Maybe you want to have multiple chat rooms or maybe you want to have different roles like admin and moderator. Be creative!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you learned something. If you are interested in a GUI version of this chat, please leave a comment. It works quite differently, since it works more with events than with endless loops. Also, if you want to tell me something or ask questions, feel free to ask in the comments! Check out my instagram page or the other parts of this website, if you are interested in more! Stay tuned!


In this repo i learn how to create a Tcp chat using python sockets






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