Generic RPC client/worker library handling data serialization built on top of bunny.
The worker. Please note the :bunny key Hash is directly fed to
options = {
queue: 'echo',
bunny: {
user: 'user',
password: 'secret',
host: 'localhost'
worker =
worker.subscribe do |payload|
publish_success(payload) # Send a success message to the client
# publish_failure(payload) # Send a failure message to the client
The client:
# initialization options
options = {
queue: 'echo',
bunny: {
user: 'user',
password: 'secret',
host: 'localhost'
client =
# timeout in seconds, default is 5
# The first argument is the payload. The payload can be anything, just keep in
# mind it must be serializable to a String because .to_json is called on it
# The second argument is the correlation_id.
# The correlation_id is always send back as-is by the worker.
# This way you can correlate the replies with your requests.
client.publish('hi there', 'call 1')
client.publish('hi there again', 'call 2')
# Pop will raise a ::Timeout::Error when a timeout occurs and no message is received
puts client.pop
puts client.pop
{"success"=>true, "payload"=>"hi there", "correlation_id"=>"call 1"}
{"success"=>true, "payload"=>"hi there again", "correlation_id"=>"call 2"}
- Tested with RabbitMQ
- Uses the expiration feature of RabbitMQ to expire messages sent by the client
$ gem install easy_bunny_rpc
Tom van Leeuwen, @tvl2386