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An original 3D engine by Sheridan Rathbun. Intended to be used by Spacepunk. This is the open-source engine release.

See the docs directory for an in-depth manual of the engine. docs/html/index.html is the start page. Most of the functions described in there are directly accessible to Lua scripts.

Run any of the Spacepunk_*.exe files to start the editor.

Man on the beach


* OpenGL 4.5 core profile renderer
* support for several major model formats via Assimp
* hardware skinned characters (skeletal animation)
* blend multiple skeletal animations per bone per character
* support for voxlap voxel format (.vox)
* Lua for game scripting
* JSON support for level format, asset definitions, etc.
* rigid body dynamics and kinematic (game style) physics via Bullet
* multiple convex collision shapes (box, sphere, capsule, cylinder), plus collision meshes
* multiplayer support (listen servers, dedicated servers, and clients)
* splitscreen multiplayer (can be combined with online multiplayer)
* fully dynamic light and shadows (either w/ shadow maps or stencil shadows)
* multiple light shapes (point, cone, box)
* GLSL shaders and material-based rendering
* in-game command line (console), cvars and ccmds can be declared anywhere
* 3D audio and filters for special effects (OpenAL)
* support for numerous input devices and remapping (game controllers)
* entity component system (tree hierarchy)
* a few different random level generators
* UI engine (rendering + event callbacks defined in script)
* asynchronous pathfinding
* multi-world servers
* stream assets from disk
* sample game based on Atari Combat (1977)


The following libs must be installed to build Spacepunk:

	nfd (
	luabridge (

	On Windows these are available through the included


	Visual Studio 2017 or later is required to compile.

	Create a SPACEPUNK_LIBS environment variable, and point it to the
	directory created when you extract


	The engine has been tested to compile on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.
	You will need cmake, make, and g++ to compile. Run these commands to
	produce a spacepunk.bin file in the "build" folder:

	cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

	There is a known issue regarding LuaBridge where addConstructor() won't
	compile correctly with g++. You can fix this by injecting the following code in
	LuaBridge/detail/Namespace.h (around line 836):

	Class <T>& addConstructor ()
		lua_pushcclosure (L,
			&ctorPlacementProxy <typename FuncTraits <void (*) (void)>::Params, T>, 0);
		rawsetfield(L, -2, "__call");

		return *this;


	The engine has not been tested to compile on Macintosh, but should not
	take much effort to get it there. Please reach out to me using my
	contact info below if you are interested.


These can be inspected and rebound via autoexec.cfg in the base directory.
Also check the help screen in the editor.


Type "help" for a full list of commands. Other basic commands:

windowed			- toggle window mode
fullscreen			- toggle fullscreen mode
size <x> <y>			- where <x> and <y> are the desired resolution (eg 1280 720)
clear				- clear the console
version				- print engine version info
editor				- start game editor
dump				- clear engine cache
exit				- exit immediately


Send all suggestions, comments, and questions to [email protected]