This package provides a classification, a tagging system and a water footprint calculator for ingredients and recipes.
The functioning of the package is based on a dataset containing more than 700 ingredients mapped with their own class and water footprint.
If a provided ingredient is not mapped into the dataset, the library search for it on wikipedia pages, into the dictionary and into NLTK Wordnet to find the best possible class.
The water footprint is computed based on its ingredients. Every ingredient has a water footprint, measured in l/kg.
An ingredient could be classified in one of the following class:
- Vegetable
- Fruit
- Legume
- Meat
- Egg
- Diary
- Staple
- Condiment
- Nut
- Seafood
- Snack
- Mushroom
- Dessert
- Beverage
A recipe is tagged based on its ingredients class. The library also provides a function to get the class percentage of recipe ingredients.
pip install recipe_tagger
How to use
from recipe_tagger import recipe_tagger
Get the class of a single ingredient
# vegetable
Get tags of a recipe (it is needed to provide all the ingredient of the recipe)
recipe_tagger.get_recipe_tags(['aubergine', 'chicken'])
# ['vegetable', 'meat']
Get class percentage of a recipe (it is needed to provide all the ingredient of the recipe)
recipe_tagger.get_recipe_class_percentage(['aubergine', 'chicken', 'beef'])
# [('vegetable', '33.33%'), ('meat', '66.67%')]
How to use
from recipe_tagger import recipe_waterfootprint as wf
Get the water footprint of a single ingredient
wf.get_ingredient_waterfootprint("tomato", 20, process=True, language="en")
# 4.28
Get the water footprint of a recipe (it is needed to provide all the ingredients and the quantity of the recipe)
In order to provide a precise calculation of the WF, it is needed to provide also the quantity used for the ingredient in the recipe. Quanities must be provided matching the following pattern: "{number}{unit}". Unit can be one of ml, gr, kg, l, ounce, teaspoon, tablespoon, cup, pint quart, gallon, pound, clove, lb, or their abbreviation.
["tomato", "apple", "chicken"],
["20gr", "5ml", "1l"],
# 4329.28
Get the water footprint of a recipe and informations about the ingredients water footprint
["tomato", "apple", "chicken"],
["20gr", "5ml", "1l"],
# (4329.28, {"tomato": 4.28, "apple": 0.0, "chicken": 4325.0})
Every method of the package provide the language support. Use the "language" parameter along with the abbreviation of a supported language. Default language is English, if the "language" argument is not provided.
- English ("en")
- Italian ("it")
The project's goal is to continuously deliver precise findings and to rely on ai when necessary. As a result, the majority of the ingredients are listed in text files with the appropriate categorisation. Hence, in order to provide a new language it is mandatory to follow these steps.
- Handling of Wikipedia pages.
- Better search over dictionary and Wikipedia pages of ingredient.
- Calculate the water foorprint of a recipe
- Add the possibility to add an ingredient after search if it is not present into the embedding.
- An explanation in order to provided an other language.
- A method for automatic translation when providing another language.