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Automatic MQTT device creation for Domoticz Home Assistant with autodiscovery

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Automatic device creation for Domoticz / Home Assistant with autodiscovery

It can be used to make a link between domoticz and homeassitant using MQTT. Or to generates sensors for BSB_LAN

Now it integrates all sensors (temperature, power, ...), binary_sensors, select, climate and switch.

It's easy to use, just fill the config.yaml file by your sensors and run the python file cmd: python .\

For Domoticz bridge to Home Assistant, here a tutorial link:

For BSB-LAN example, my config file is:

broker: '' port: 1883 user: password: discoverytopic: homeassistant sensors: - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8000 friendly_name: Etat_circuit_chauffage manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8006 friendly_name: Etat_pompe_a_chaleur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8410 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_PAC_eau_retour manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8411 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_PAC_eau_consigne manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8412 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_PAC_eau_depart manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8413 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "%" friendly_name: Modulation_compresseur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8425 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_condenseur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8450 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "h" device_class: duration friendly_name: Duree_fonctionnement_compresseur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8700 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_ext manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8740 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_int manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8741 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "°C" device_class: temperature friendly_name: Temp_consigne manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/6700 friendly_name: Erreur_PAC manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/3113 state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: "kWh" device_class: energy friendly_name: Energie_totale_PAC manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8451 device_class: enum friendly_name: Compteur_demarrage_compresseur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" binary_sensors: - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8400 payload_on: 255 - Marche payload_off: 0 - Arrêt friendly_name: Etat_PAC manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" - state_topic: BSB-LAN/8406 payload_on: 255 - Marche payload_off: 0 - Arrêt friendly_name: Etat_condenseur manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" select: - command_topic: BSB-LAN700 state_topic: BSB-LAN/700 friendly_name: Mode_fonctionnement options: - "0 - Mode protection" - "1 - Automatique" - "2 - Réduit" - "3 - confort" manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" climate: - temperature_command_topic: BSB-LAN710 temperature_state_topic: BSB-LAN/710 mode_command_topic: BSB-LAN700 mode_state_topic: BSB-LAN/700 mode_state_template: "{{ 'heat' if value|string == 1 else 'off' }}" modes: - "0 - Mode protection" - "1 - Automatique" - "2 - Réduit" - "3 - confort" current_temperature_topic: BSB-LAN/8740 friendly_name: Consigne_confort manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2" max_temp: 25 min_temp: 17 temp_step: 0.5 switch: - command_topic: BSB-LAN5710 state_topic: BSB-LAN/5710 device_class: switch payload_on: 255 - Marche payload_off: 0 - Arrêt state_on: 255 - Marche state_off: 0 - Arrêt friendly_name: Circuit_chauffage manufacturer: Atlantic model: "Alfea AI" name: "BSB LAN" sw_version: "3.3.2"
Next: - test other kind of devices - docker


Automatic MQTT device creation for Domoticz Home Assistant with autodiscovery






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