CSE 101 PROJECT - Learn arduino with practice
Demonstruct is designed for Computer Science Engineers who are trying to learn Arduino but has limited resources, time and don’t know where to start from. Demonstruct takes the user’s arduino and coding knowledge from scratch and builds above it until the user’s knowledge is sufficient enough for first to second year assignments given by the university or just for simple-short projects. Demanstrate ensures an arduino that can teach itself since it has all the potential to do it.
1)Connect your arduino to com5
2)Open "MAIN_ARDUINO_PROJECT.ino" in MAIN_ARDUINO_PROJECT and upload code to your arduino (Don't forget to select the port)
4)Sign up and Log in
5)Now you are ready to learn
6)if you encounter an error in the [2]connections tab, try reupload code to the arduino or resetting the arduino