composer require tsquare/file-generator
use Tsquare\FileGenerator\FileTemplate;
use Tsquare\FileGenerator\FileEditor;
* @var FileTemplate $template
* Define the application root.
$template->appBasePath(dirname(__DIR__, 1));
* Define the base path for the file.
$template->destinationPath(dirname(__DIR__, 1) . '/Sample');
* Define the name used to fill placeholders.
* Define the file name.
* Define the contents of the file.
namespace App\Foo\{name};
$foo = '{underscore}';
$bar = '{dash}';
function foo{name}() {
return '{title}';
// Optionally, you can prepend the PHP start tag to avoid unwanted editor highlighting.
$template->prepend('<?php' . PHP_EOL);
* Editing actions can be added, that will be used if the file already exists.
$editor = new FileEditor();
function inserted{pascal}Function() {
return true;
', 'function foo{name}()');
function another{pascal}Function() {
return true;
', 'function foo{name}() {
return true;
$editor->replace('another{pascal}Function', 'someOther{pascal}Function');
* FileEditor will use regular expressions, if the isRegex() method is called after an action.
$editor->replace('/^foo/', 'bar')->isRegex();
Initialize FileTemplate with the path to the template file, pass it to FileGenerator, and call create.
use Tsquare\FileGenerator\FileGenerator;
use Tsquare\FileGenerator\FileTemplate;
$template = FileTemplate::init(__DIR__ . '/template-config/Example.php');
$generator = new FileGenerator($template);
{name} : ExampleName
{camel} : exampleName
{pascal} : ExampleName
{underscore} : example_name
{dash} : example-name
{plural} : ExampleNames
{singular} : ExampleName
{lower} : examplename
{title} : Example Name