This package contains a plotscript for:
* contour and vector/streamline plots * overlay of both * vertical sections * representing the ICON grid
Download and run icon_plot.ncl directly with ncl
ncl icon_plot.ncl altLibDir='"."'
or use nclsh from the contrib directory for easyer command line options
nclsh icon_plot.ncl -altLibDir=.
Note that a config file $HOME/.icon_plot.rc is read in if available. Any commandline options can be set here. This is especially usefull for setting the altLibDir.
NCL 6.0 and CDO 1.5.x are required
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile="path/"' 'varName="ELEV"' 'oFile="test"' timeStep=1 levIndex=1 nclsh icon_plot.ncl -iFile=path/ -varName=ELEV -oFile=test -timeStep=1 -levIndex=1
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile="path/"' 'varName="W"' 'mapLLC=(/35.0, -8/)' 'mapURC=(/55, 8/)' nclsh icon_plot.ncl -iFile=path/ -varName=W -mapLLC=35.0,-8 -mapURC=55,8
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="ELEV"' 'maskName="wet_c"' ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="W"' 'maskName="topo"' 'maskFile=""'
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'vecVars="u-veloc v-veloc"' 'oFile="test"'
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'secLC=(/ 0.0,-90.0 /)' 'secRC=(/ 0.0,90.0/)' 'oType="png"' 'rStrg=""' 'tStrg="ICON coupled aqual planet"'
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="T"' 'vecVars="u-veloc v-veloc"' nclsh icon_plot.ncl -varName=T -vecVars=u-veloc,v-veloc
same for current atmo input
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="T"' 'vecVars="U V"'
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="T"' 'atmLev="h"' levIndex=2
same but on pressure level
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'varName="T"' 'atmLev="p"' levIndex=2
Options can be combined execept showGrid=True (with nclsh: -showGrid) with vector and overlay plots
Use the provided ncl wrapper script nclsh:
ncl icon_plot.ncl 'iFile=""' 'secLC=(/ 0.0,-90.0 /)' 'secRC=(/ 0.0,90.0/)' 'oType="png"' 'varName="T"' vecVars='"u v"'
nclsh icon_plot.ncl -secLC=0.0,-90.0 -secRC=0.0,90.0 -oType=png -varName=T -vecVars=u,v
This is useful for write script which call other NCL application.
write an issue or use mail
iconPlot uses the GPLv2 License