IDEA_vertexing_study/vertex_resolution_last.ipynb : notebook used to determine IDEA (baseline and various versions) vertexing resolutions
IDEA_vertexing_study/vertex_resolution_various_cards.ipynb : notebook used to determine the various detectors vertexing resolutions
IP_study/IP_study.ipynb : notebook used to explore transverse IP resolution
Signal_vs_bkgs_selection_variables.ipynb : notebook to display the selection variables and study the preselection
Signal_vs_bkgs_XGBoost.ipynb : notebook where the MVA selection is defined (train, test)
sig-bkg_BF_and_DP_PS_plotter.ipynb : notebook used for the backgrounds BF guesstimates and to choose the backgrounds to consider
Precision_Signal_vs_bkgs_XGBoost.ipynb : notebook used to extract the precision on the BF(B2KstTauTau) measurement as function of the vertexing resolution
Conda environment is used in order to run these notebooks:
- normally using env corresponding to environmentZFIT.yml must be ok,
- in case of troubleshooting between zfit and ROOT -> use a specific env without ZFIT when not needed (like environment.yml)
Only the notebooks are stored in this repository, you have to use the output done from the FCC_Bd2KstTauTau_LPC gitlab repository.
You have to create folders for the outputs of the notebooks.