TrapScore was created for client Sawyer Mathiesen to streamline trap shooting competitions. Currently, information about where participants need to be and at what time is processed on paper, which leads to scheduling gaps and inefficiency. Trapscore addresses these issues with a full-stack web application that provides an interface for registering, squadding, scheduling and judging, as well as viewing and exporting results. In addition, it provides automated text message updates to participants to help them get to their trap on time and cut down on the time that traps sit vacant.
Before you get started, make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:
- Node.js
- PostrgeSQL
- Nodemon
- Postico (or similar)
Clone and/or fork the repo so that you have your own copy on your local machine.
Create a new PostgreSQL database called trap_score
. Open a SQL query within your new database. Locate the database.sql
file within the project root, copy the contents into the query, and run it.
If you would like to use the provided test data, locate the testData.sql
file and follow the same process.
To enable automated SMS messaging functionality, you will need to create an account with Twilio. Then, create or add a valid phone number to your account and copy your account SID and auth token into a .env file (see development setup instructions below, or visit for more details)
- open Terminal and navigate to the project folder
- Run
npm install
- Create a
file at the root of the project and paste the following lines into the file:
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=(copy this from your Twilio account)
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=(copy from Twilio account)
TWILIO_NUMBER=+15551234567 (replace with your Twilio number beginning with '+1' and no parentheses or dashes)
While you're in your new .env
file, take the time to replace superDuperSecret
with some long random string like 25POUbVtx6RKVNWszd9ERB9Bb6
to keep your application secure. Here's a site that can help you:
- Start postgres if not running already by using
brew services start postgresql
- Run
npm run server
- Run
npm run client
- Navigate to
- Navigate to the login page
- Register an account
- In Postico (or another Postgres client), manually add a valid competition ID to your new account and set 'is_admin' to TRUE in the 'person' table
- You should now be able to access admin functionality at http://localhost:3000/#/select-competition as well as all staff functionality for the competition associated with your account.
Please note: registration URLs within the provided test data may not function properly, but they should work for any competitions created within the app
Before pushing to Heroku, run the npm run build
script in terminal. This will create a build folder that contains the code Heroku will be pointed at. You can test this build by typing npm start
. Keep in mind that npm start
will let you preview the production build but will not auto update.
- Start postgres if not running already by using
brew services start postgresql
- Run
npm start
- Navigate to
- Create a new Heroku project
- Link the Heroku project to the project GitHub Repo
- Create an Heroku Postgres database
- Connect to the Heroku Postgres database from Postico or a PostgreSQL client of your choice
- Create the necessary tables using the scripts found in
- Add environment variables for:
- put the root url from your heroku domain or custom domain here (for example, DO NOT ADD A TRAILING SLASH.
- In the deploy section, select manual deploy
- React - Front End Web Framework
- React Redux - State Container
- Node.js - Server Runtime Environment
- Express - Back End Framework
- PostgreSQL - Database
- React-Router - Client-side Routing
- Twilio API - Used for automating SMS notifications
- React-Table - Used to display score results details
- React-Beautiful-Dnd - Used for assigning squads and scheduling
- React-Toastify - Used for toast notifications
- ...for a full list of dependencies, see
- Alex Brown - Initial Work - alexdbrown2526
- Joseph Carey - Initial Work - josephcarey
- Christopher Brenberg - Initial Work - cbrenberg
- Bobby Rosson - Initial Work - brdrummer
- Prime Digital Academy -
- Sawyer Mathiesen
- Luke Schlangen - LukeSchlangen