This repository contains a dockerified instance of wikimedia/wikidata-query-rdf.
Instructions are based on the Wikidata Query Service, User Manual, Standalone Service.
Start Blazegraph and the Wikidata Query Service with
docker-compose up
. -
Retrieve an RDF dump of your Wikibase We are using the TransforMap Docker stack, and as such execute the following:
docker run -it --rm --env-file /srv/wikibase/mediawiki.env -v /srv/docker-state/wikibase/mediawiki
/rootfs/data:/data -v /srv/docker-state/wikibase/mediawiki/rootfs/conf:/conf -v /srv/wikibase/LocalSettings.php:/data/LocalSet
tings.php --link="wikibase_database_1:database" --net="wikibase_backend" wikibase_mediawiki /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/extens
ions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dumpRdf.php | gzip -c > 20160928_1846_wikibase_dump.ttl.gz
- Alternate path is with the Wikidata Toolkit via utilising the Wikidata Toolkit Client.