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This library provide ability to make requests to Transact Pro Gateway API v3.


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Transact Pro Gateway v3 PHP client library

This library provide ability to make requests to Transact Pro Gateway API v3.


Install the latest version with

$ composer require transact-pro/gw3-client

Basic usage

Inside form

Hold card input form on gateway side, client must be redirect to gateway.


use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\Status;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// Setup gateway authorization credentials

// Create transaction object
$sms = $gw->createSms();

// Set required fields

    ->setEmail("[email protected]")

    ->setDescription('Order #A-345S payment');

// Process payment via gateway inside form

// Build transaction object to request
$smsRequest = $sms->build();

// Process transaction to gateway
$response = $gw->process($smsRequest);

// Parse Gateway response as a payment response
$paymentResponse = $sms->parseResponse($response);
if (!empty($paymentResponse->error)) {
    throw new \RuntimeException("GW error: {$paymentResponse->error->message}");

// Redirect user to received URL
if ($paymentResponse->gw->statusCode === Status::CARD_FORM_URL_SENT) {
    header("Location: {$paymentResponse->gw->redirectUrl}");

Server to server

Hold card input form on merchant side and process via API.


use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\Status;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// Setup gatewayl authorization credentials

// Create transaction object
$sms = $gw->createSms();

// Set required fields
    ->setCardHolderName('John Doe');

// Build transaction object to request
$smsRequest = $sms->build();

// Process transaction to gateway
$response = $gw->process($smsRequest);

// Parse Gateway response as a payment response
$paymentResponse = $sms->parseResponse($response);
echo $paymentResponse->gw->statusCode === Status::SUCCESS ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED";


This README provide introduction to the library usage.


Operations are available via $gw->create<operation name>() method.

Available operations:

  • Transactions
    • CANCEL
    • DMS HOLD
    • MOTO DMS
    • MOTO SMS
    • REFUND
    • SMS
    • Credit
    • P2P
    • B2P
  • Information
    • RESULT
    • STATUS
    • LIMITS
  • Verification
    • 3-D Secure enrollment
    • Complete card verification
  • Tokenization
    • Create payment data token
  • Callback processing
    • verify callback data sign
  • Reporting
    • Get transactions report in CSV format

Pattern to work with the library can be described as follows:


use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// first, you need to setup authorization.
// you can change authorization data in runtime.
// Thus, following operations will work under
// new authorization.

$operation = $gw->createOPERATION();

// here you setup your request through public methods
// that expose you blocks of information, that you can fill for the
// operation of your choice.

// build() will prepare `Request` object that `$gw` will use
// for the request.
$operationRequest = $operation->build();

// process() will perform provided request to the gateway
// `$response` will have response data (headers, body).
$response = $gw->process($operationRequest);

// parse received raw response to an appropriate class
$parsedResponse = $operation->parseResponse($response);

Card verification


use TransactPro\Gateway\DataSets\Command;

// create a payment to init card verification process

// complete card verification
$operation = $gw->createCardVerification();
$operationRequest = $operation->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);
echo $response->getStatusCode() === 200 ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE';

// send a payment with flag to accept only verified cards

Payment data tokenization


use TransactPro\Gateway\DataSets\Command;

// option 1: create a payment with flag to save payment data

// option 2: send "create token" request with payment data
$operation = $gw->createToken();
    ->setPAN('<card number>')
    ->setExpire('<card expiry>')
    ->setCardHolderName('<cardholder name>');
    ->setCurrency('<desired currency>');
$operationRequest = $operation->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);

// send a payment in "token usage" mode with flag to load payment data by token
    ->setPaymentMethodDataToken('<initial gateway-transaction-id>');

$response = $gw->process($message);
$paymentResponse = $message->parseResponse($response);
if (
    !empty($paymentResponse->error) &&
    $paymentResponse->error->code === ErrorCode::EEC_ACQUIRER_SOFT_DECLINE &&
) {
    header("Location: {$paymentResponse->gw->redirectUrl}");

Callback validation


use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\GatewayResponse;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\CallbackResult;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Http\Crypto\ResponseDigest;

// verify data digest
$responseDigest = new ResponseDigest($_POST['sign'] ?? '');
$responseDigest->setOriginalUri($paymentResponse->getDigest()->getUri());       // optional, set if available
$responseDigest->setOriginalCnonce($paymentResponse->getDigest()->getCnonce()); // optional, set if available
$responseDigest->setBody($_POST['json'] ?? '');
$responseDigest->verify("3383e58e-9cde-4ffa-85cf-81cd25b2423e", "super-secret-key");

// parse callback data as a payment response
$callbackResponse = GatewayResponse::createFromJSON($_POST['json'] ?? '', CallbackResult::class);
echo $callbackResponse->gw->statusText;

Transactions report loading


use TransactPro\Gateway\Interfaces\ResponseInterface;

// NB. Merchant GUID/secret must be used instead of account GUID/secret!

$message = $gw->createReport();
    ->setDtCreatedFrom(time() - 86400)

$request = $message->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);

// get raw body
$reportCSV = $response->getBody();

// get parsed body as iterator where each row is an associative array
// with keys from the first line and values are from all other lines
$csvResponse = $message->parseResponse($response);
foreach ($csvResponse as $key => $value) {


If you need to access different API URL you can set through Gateway constructor as follows:


use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$gw = new Gateway('');

Also, you can customize client for your needs. By default Http\Client\Client class is used. It use cURL under the hood. It implements HttpClientInterface. You can create your own (or configure default) and set it to the gateway.


use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$httpClient = new MyClient(); // implements HttpClientInterface

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// use it!
// ...

If you need to load an HTML form from Gateway instead of cardholder browser redirect, a special operation type may be used:

// execute a payment
$paymentResponse = $operation->parseResponse($response);

$retrieveFormOperation = $gw->createRetrieveForm($paymentResponse);
$retrieveFormRequest = $retrieveFormOperation->build();
$htmlResponse = $gw->process($retrieveFormRequest);
$rawHtml = $htmlResponse->getBody();


Main exception, that can be thrown by the library is the GatewayException. Following exceptions are children of GatewayException:

  • RequestException - will be thrown if request fail.
  • ValidatorException - will be thrown if some data for the request is missing.
  • ResponseException - will be thrown if response parsing/validation fail (corrupted response).
  • DigestMissingException - will be thrown if response missing Authorization header (corrupted response).
  • DigestMismatchException - will be thrown if response digest validation fail (corrupted response).

Useful constants

\TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\ErrorCode - error codes \TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\Status - transaction statuses \TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\CardFamily - card families



  • This library works with PHP 7.0 or above.

Submit bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub


This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This library provide ability to make requests to Transact Pro Gateway API v3.






Contributors 4

