🎉 Nativelink v0.1.0
We're excited to publish our initial release!
🦀 Cargo
cargo install --git https://github.com/TraceMachina/nativelink --tag v0.1.0
❄️ Nix
nix run github:TraceMachina/nativelink/v0.1.0
🐋 Docker
docker run ghcr.io/tracemachina/nativelink:wm6l3qi72hv9phn44853ir1dxs3q7k65
📜 Changelog
The changelog for this release contains commits from the beginning of the project until the release of v0.1.0
. See CHANGELOG.md for the full list of changes.
❤️ Thanks to our Contributors
This release contains contributions from @chrisstaite-menlo, @steed924, @jaroeichler, @TripleKai, @mhz5, @cormacrelf, as well as various contributors at @TraceMachina.