This repo is where I implement and document data structures and algorithms.
Data Structures and Algorithms focuses on problem solving.
Coding is just manipulating data in a way so that you can accomplish a task.
There are values and relationships between them.
We can remove, insert, and manipulate data.
Data Structures have different kinds of relationships and different ways of storing data.
Data structures are a particular way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and modified efficiently.
Data structures are categorized into two main types: primitive and non-primitive. Primitive data structures include basic types like integers, floats, and characters, while non-primitive structures, which are more complex, include arrays, lists, trees, and graphs.
The process of determining how efficient an algorithm is. It is a measure of how much time and space an algorithm requires to run.
These are called time complexity and space complexity.
Memory can be visualized as a canvas. Memory canvas is bounded. We have a finite amount of memory. Your program will store your variables in memory slots or a row of memory slots for related data e.g. arrays.
In a computer, memory is organized as a large number of bytes. Each byte is used to store value and has a unique address. The computer can perform read or write operations to these addresses.
Each byte has 8 bits. Each bit can be either 0 or 1. A bit is the smallest unit of memory. A byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory.
A memory block is a section of computer memory where each byte is right next to its neighbor, without any gaps or interruptions This arrangement makes it easier for the computer to read and write multiple pieces of related data.
You often use memory blocks for storing groups of data that belong together, such as the elements in an array or the characters in a string. By keeping them arranged like that, the computer can access and manage the data more efficiently.
Different computer architectures have different memory block sizes. For example, a 32-bit computer has a memory block size of 32 bits, or 4 bytes. A 64-bit computer has a memory block size of 64 bits, or 8 bytes. This means that e.g. numbers on a 32-bit computer are stored in 4 bytes, while numbers on a 64-bit computer are stored in 8 bytes. So the computer needs to find 4 bytes of free memory to store a number on a 32-bit computer, but 8 bytes of free memory to store a number on a 64-bit computer.
ASCII is a character encoding standard that assigns each character a number between 0 and 127. For example, the ASCII number for the character A is 65, and the ASCII number for the character B is 66. The ASCII number for the character 0 is 48, and the ASCII number for the character 9 is 57.
Pointers are variables that store the memory address of another variable. They are used to store the addresses of other variables. So in memory, a pointer would be stored in a memory slot, and it would point to another memory slot.
Computer is able to access memory given a memory address very fast.
Big O notation is a way of describing how fast the runtime grows relative to the input as the input gets arbitrarily large.
Different algorithms can have different runtimes for the same input. And they would grow at different rates as the input gets arbitrarily large.
Different O notations:
- O(1) - Constant Time: The runtime is the same regardless of the input size e.g. accessing an array element by index.
- O(log n) - Logarithmic Time: The runtime grows logarithmically in proportion to the input size. This means that as the input gets arbitrarily large, the runtime grows very slowly e.g. if problem is divided in half each time.
- O(n log n) - Linearithmic Time: The runtime grows in proportion to N log N of the input size. This means that as the input gets arbitrarily large, the runtime grows faster than linear time but slower than quadratic time e.g. sorting algorithms
- O(n) - Linear Time: The runtime grows directly in proportion to the input size. This means that as the input gets arbitrarily large, the runtime grows at the same rate e.g. iterating through an array.
- O(N^2) - Quadratic Time: The runtime grows quadratically in proportion to the input size. This means that as the input gets arbitrarily large, the runtime grows very fast e.g. nested loops.
- O(2^n) - Exponential Time: The runtime grows exponentially in proportion to the input size. This means that as the input gets arbitrarily large, the runtime grows even faster than quadratic time e.g. recursive algorithms that solve a problem of size N by recursively solving two smaller problems of size N-1.
Asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior. It is used in many branches of mathematics, but especially in mathematical analysis of algorithms. It looks like this:
f(n) = O(g(n))
As N grows towards infinity, how does the runtime of the algorithm grow?
Abstract concept of input size. It is the number of elements in the input.
Accessing memory is O(1) constant time. If we had to access a number in a 32 bit computer, we would need to access 4 bytes of memory. If we had to access a number in a 64 bit computer, we would need to access 8 bytes of memory. It is constant time because it doesn't matter how big the number is, we still access it via the address.
We focus on how the runtime grows towards infinity. We drop the constants and coefficients. In Big O notation, you only keep the term that grows the fastest as the input size increases. This term is known as the dominant term.
When we have more complex big O expressions, we drop the less significant terms. Because as N grows towards infinity, the less significant terms become insignificant.
If you've different inputs, you can use different variables to represent them. For example, if you have two arrays of different sizes, you can use N and M to represent their sizes. But do not drop any of the variables.
Drop Lower Order Terms: In O(n^2 + n), the n term is much smaller than n^2 for large n, so it's dropped, simplifying to O(n^2).
Ignore Coefficients: Big O ignores constants because it's about growth rates. For example, O(2n) simplifies to O(n), and O(5n^2) simplifies to O(n^2).
A logarithm is essentially another way of expressing exponentiation, which is the process of multiplying a number by itself a certain number of times. For instance, (2^3 = 2 \times 2 \times 2 = 8). The logarithm asks the question: "To what power do we raise a base number (like 2 in this example) to get another number?"
So, in our example, the logarithm of 8 with base 2 is 3 (written as ( \log_2 8 = 3 )) because 2 raised to the power of 3 is 8.
Parts of a logarithm:
- Base: This is the number that is being raised to a power. In ( \log_2 8 ), 2 is the base.
- Argument: This is the number you want to find the logarithm of. In ( \log_2 8 ), 8 is the argument.
- Exponent: This is the answer to the logarithm, the power to which the base must be raised to get the argument. In ( \log_2 8 = 3 ), 3 is the exponent.
Log of 2 to N = Y iiF (only if) 2^Y = N
Example: log of 2 to 8 = 3 because 2^3 = 8
2^4 = 16
If we double right side of equation, we add 1 to left side of equation.
This means: 2^5 = 32
Log of N, this means when N doubles, the runtime only increases by 1. This is good. This is better than linear time because linear time would increase by 2.
2^20 = 1,048,576 2^30 = 1,073,741,824
It's so powerful because as N grows, the runtime grows very slowly.
Usually algorithms that involve dividing problems in half have logarithmic time complexity.
Let's say we have [1, 2, 3]. The program has to store this in memory. Imagine we have a 64 bit computer. Each number is 8 bytes. So we need 24 bytes of memory to store this array. The computer needs to find 24 bytes of free memory to store this array.
For recap: A byte consists of 8 bits. A bit is the smallest unit of memory. A byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory.
We have two types of arrays: static and dynamic.
Static arrays have fixed size. You have to specify the size of the array when you declare it. You can't add or remove elements from a static array. You can only update existing elements.
Getting an element by index is O(1) constant time. This is because the computer can access the memory address of the element directly. It knows where the first element is stored. From there, it can calculate the memory address of the targetted element.
Setting an element by index is O(1) constant time. It is simply swapping binary values.
Initializing an array is O(n) linear time. This is because the computer has to initialize each element in the array.
Traversing an array is O(n) linear time. This is because the computer has to traverse each element in the array.
Copying an array is O(n) linear time. The computer first has to traverse each element in the array. Then it has to copy each element to the new array. In memory, the computer has to find a new block of memory to store the new array.
People will do this mistake during coding interview by thinking that copying an array is O(1) constant time. This is because they think that the computer can just copy the memory address of the array. But this is not true. The computer has to copy each element to the new array. In memory, the computer has to find a new block of memory to store the new array. You don't just simply copy.
Let's say we want to insert at place X. For the rest of the bytes in memory, we have to shift them to the right. However, the problem is that there may not be any space to the right. We would have the same problem if we want to insert at the beginning or end of array.
When you insert to the array, no matter what position, the computer has to copy the entire array and find a new block of memory to store the new array.
Inserting an element is O(n) linear time.
Pop means removing the last element of the array. This is O(1) constant time. This is because the computer can just remove the last element. It doesn't have to copy the entire array.
Dynamic arrays is an array that can grow and shrink in size. It is implemented by using a static array under the hood. When the array is full, we create a new array with double the size. Then we copy the elements from the old array to the new array. Then we delete the old array.
Inserting an element is typically O(1) constant time for Dynamic Arrays. Because Dynamic Arrays allocate extra space. So when we insert an element, we don't have to create a new array and copy the elements over. We can just insert the element into the extra space.
However, we have to check if the array is full. If it is full, we have to create a new array with double the size. Then we copy the elements from the old array to the new array. Then we delete the old array. This is O(n) linear time. But we don't do this every time we insert. We only do this when the array is full.
Because the worst case is O(n) linear time, we say that inserting an element is O(n) linear time.
When doing interviews and using JS, you can use the built in array e.g. treating it as a queue. Explain to the interviewer you understand the big O of the built in array appears efficient in one way but in reality it is different.
But you do not wanna have to go through the trouble of importing a queue data structure. So you can use the built in array as a queue.
Amortized analysis averages the time required to perform a sequence of data structure operations over all the operations performed. Unlike average-case analysis, which considers probabilities of different inputs, amortized analysis guarantees the average performance of each operation in the worst case.
It provides a more realistic expectation of the algorithm's performance, especially when the algorithm has occasional costly operations.
Linked List is stored differently in memory.
Singly Linked List: Each element is a node. Each node has a value and a pointer to the next node.
Doubly Linked List: Each element is a node. Each node has a value and a pointer to the next node and a pointer to the previous node.
Circular Linked List: Each element is a node. Each node has a value and a pointer to the next node. The last node points to the first node.
In memory, arrays are stored in a block of memory.
Nodes of Linked Lists are dynamically allocated in the heap as the list grows. They don't occupy contiguous memory locations. Instead, each node can be anywhere in memory. The pointers in each node are used to "link" these scattered pieces together logically.
Get an element by index is O(n) linear time. This is because the computer has to traverse each node in the linked list.
Set an element by index is O(n) linear time. This is because the computer has to traverse each node in the linked list.
Init is constant time O(1).
Copy is O(n) linear time.
Copy is O(n) linear time.
Insert is O(n) linear time. This is because the computer has to traverse each node in the linked list. Find the node and then change the pointers.
Copy is O(n) linear time.
Imagine a row of boxes, each representing an array element, placed side by side. The address of each element is predictable based on the array's base address and the size of each element.
| Element 0 | Element 1 | Element 2 | Element 3 | ... | Element N |
0x00A 0x00B 0x00C 0x00D ... 0x00Z
Think of each node as a separate entity, potentially scattered in memory. Each node contains its data and a pointer, which acts like an arrow pointing to the next node. The actual memory addresses of these nodes are not sequential.
[Node 0: Data | Ptr] --> [Node 1: Data | Ptr] --> [Node 2: Data | Ptr] --> ...
0x100 | 0x1A2 | 0x03F |
------------------------- ----------------
Depending on the system, 32 or 64 bit, Linked List would take up e.g. in 64 bit system, 16 bytes of memory. 8 bytes for data and 8 bytes for pointer.
How it may look like for a 32 bit system:
[ Node 0 ] [ Node 1 ] [ Node 2 ]
| 4 bytes | 4 | 4 bytes | 4 | 4 bytes | 4
| Integer | Ptr| Integer | Ptr| Integer | Ptr
0x100 0x104 0x108 0x10C 0x110 0x114
For doubly linked list, we would have two pointers, in total 12 bytes per node.
- Dynamic Size: Capable of growing and shrinking as needed during runtime.
- Efficient Insertions/Deletions: Especially at the beginning or in the middle, without the need to shift elements as in arrays.
- Memory Utilization: More efficient memory usage since it allocates memory as needed.
- Memory Overhead: Each node requires extra memory for a pointer, which can be significant, especially in systems with limited memory.
- No Random Access: Accessing elements is not as straightforward as in arrays, as it requires sequential access from the beginning of the list.
- Increased Complexity: Implementing and managing linked lists can be more complex than arrays, with additional considerations for pointer manipulation and potential issues like memory leaks.
A hash table is a key value pair data structure.
Search, Insert, Delete is O(1) constant time on average.
Considering keys may collide, the worst case is O(n) linear time.
Modern implementations however, use fancy hash functions that minimize collisions, making the worst case O(1) constant time.
Built on top of arrays. Behind the scenes, the hash table is just an array. The hash table uses a hash function to convert the key into an index of an array element. The value is then stored in the array element.
Resizing a hash table is important for maintaining its efficiency. Resizing occurs when the load factor (the ratio of the number of entries to the number of buckets) exceeds a certain threshold, commonly 0.7 or 75%. The primary goal is to reduce the number of collisions and maintain the time complexity of operations close to O(1).
Allocate New, Larger Array:
- A new array, typically twice the size of the original, is allocated. This helps spread out the data more thinly, reducing collisions.
Rehash All Entries:
- Crucial Step: Each existing entry must be rehashed according to the new array size. This is necessary because the hash values (array indices) are dependent on the array size.
- Process: Iterate through the old array, compute the new index for each element using the hash function (adjusted for the new size), and insert it into the new array.
Handle Collisions Anew:
- Even with a new array, collisions will occur and need to be handled using the chosen method (chaining or open addressing).
Deallocate Old Array:
- Once all entries are moved to the new array, the memory allocated for the old array is deallocated (in languages where manual memory management is required).
Memory Overhead During Resizing:
- Temporarily, the hash table requires memory for both the old and new arrays, which can be significant for large data sets.
Computational Cost:
- Rehashing all entries is an O(n) operation, where n is the number of entries. This can lead to a temporary performance hit during the resizing process.
Avoiding Frequent Resizing:
- By choosing an appropriate initial size and resizing factor (commonly doubling the size), the frequency of resizing operations can be minimized.
Dynamic Resizing:
- Some implementations also allow for shrinking the hash table if the number of elements decreases significantly, optimizing memory usage.
Imagine a hash table with an array of size 8 and a load factor threshold of 0.75. After inserting 6 elements (load factor = 0.75), adding one more element triggers resizing:
Original Array (size 8)
| 0 | ---> [Node(Key1,Value1)]
| 1 | ---> null
| 2 | ---> [Node(Key2,Value2)] ---> [Node(Key5,Value5)]
| 3 | ---> null
| ... |
Resizing Triggered...
New Array (size 16)
| 0 | ---> null
| 1 | ---> [Node(Key1,Value1)]
| 2 | ---> null
| 3 | ---> [Node(Key2,Value2)]
| 4 | ---> [Node(Key5,Value5)]
| ... |
Each key is rehashed for a size 16 array, and entries are placed accordingly. This re-distribution aims to reduce future collisions.
A hash function is a function that takes in a key and returns an index. The hash function should be deterministic. This means that the same key should always return the same index.
For example, if we use ASCII, we can sum up the ASCII values of the characters in the key. Then we can use the modulo operator to get the remainder of the sum divided by the size of the array. This will give us an index.
Let's say we have an array with size 3.
Now we got the key "foo". For example purposes, let's say the ASCII values of the characters in the key "foo" is 300. 300 % 3 = 0. So we can store the value in the array at index 0.
Had the value been 301, we would have stored the value in the array at index 1, because remainder of 301 % 3 = 1.
What if we have two keys with the same hash? e.g. "foo" and "oof". Both of them have the same hash. This is called a collision.
There are two ways to handle collisions.
- Concept: Each slot of the hash table array contains a pointer to a linked list (or a similar structure) that stores all the elements hashing to the same index.
- Memory Interaction:
- The array is an array of pointers, each pointing to a list (or being null if empty).
- Each list node contains the key-value pair and a pointer to the next node in the list.
- Additional memory is required for the pointers and the linked list structure, adding some overhead.
You can also use Balanced Binary Search Tree instead of Linked List for Separate Chaining.
Separate chaining visualized:
Hash Table Array
| |
| 0 | ----> [Node(Key1,Value1) -> Node(Key2,Value2)]
| 1 | ----> [Node(Key3,Value3)]
| 2 | ----> null
| ... |
| n-1 | ----> null
Each node in the linked list must contain the key and value. This is because we need to be able to find the value given the key within the linked list.
- Concept: All elements are stored within the array itself. When a collision occurs, the hash table probes for the next available slot using a probing sequence.
- Probing Techniques:
- Linear Probing: Sequentially checks the next slot.
- Quadratic Probing: Checks slots at exponentially increasing distances.
- Double Hashing: Uses a second hash function to determine the probe step.
- Memory Interaction:
- The array holds the actual data, so no additional pointers or data structures are needed.
- Probing can lead to "clustering" where a sequence of filled slots gets longer, slowing down the operation.
Open addressing visualized with Linear Probing:
Hash Table Array
| |
| 0 | [Key1, Value1]
| 1 | [Key3, Value3]
| 2 | [Key2, Value2] <--- Collision occurred, placed in next available slot
| 3 | null
| ... |
| n-1 | null
Stacks are a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure. The last element added to the stack will be the first element removed from the stack.
It's Big O Notation for all operations is O(1) constant time.
To peek at the top of the stack is also O(1) constant time.
Adding to the stack is called push. Removing from the stack is called pop.
Stacks are implemented using arrays or linked lists. Linked Lists are more efficient because they don't have to resize like arrays. So often times, stacks are implemented using linked lists.
Queues are a FIFO (First In First Out) data structure. The first element added to the queue will be the first element removed from the queue.
It's Big O Notation for all operations is O(1) constant time.
To peek at the front of the queue is also O(1) constant time.
Adding to the queue is called enqueue. Removing from the queue is called dequeue.
Strings are stored in memory as array of integers, where each character is mapped to an integer using a character encoding standard such as ASCII or Unicode.
In languages like C, strings are null-terminated, meaning the end of the string is marked by a special null character ('\0').
If you were to loop over something and append to a string, it would be O(n^2) quadratic time. This is because strings are immutable. So you would have to create a new string each time you append to it.
Traverse is O(n) linear time.
Copy is O(n) linear time.
Get is O(1) constant time, because under the hood, strings are stored as arrays, so getting a character by index is O(1) constant time.
A graph is a data structure that consists of a set of vertices (nodes) and a set of edges that relate the vertices to each other. The set of edges describes relationships among the vertices.
A vertex is simply a node with a value. An edge is a line that connects two vertices.
You have many different types of graphs:
- Directed vs Undirected: Directed means that the edges have a direction. Undirected means that the edges do not have a direction, or better said, the edges have a direction in both ways.
- Weighted vs Unweighted: Weighted means that the edges have a weight. Unweighted means that the edges do not have a weight. A weight is a number that describes the relationship between two vertices. For example, the weight could be the distance between two cities.
- Cyclic vs Acyclic: Cyclic means that the graph has a cycle. Acyclic means that the graph does not have a cycle. A cycle is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex. You can think of it as a circle. You know it is a cycle if you can start at a vertex and follow the edges and eventually get back to the same vertex.
- Dense vs Sparse: Dense means that the graph has a lot of edges. Sparse means that the graph has few edges.
- Connected vs Disconnected: Connected means that there is a path between every pair of vertices. Disconnected means that there is not a path between every pair of vertices.
Storing a graph is O(V + E) linear time. This is because you have to store the vertices and the edges.
To traverse a graph, there are two ways: Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS).
DFS takes O(V + E) linear time.
BFS takes O(V + E) linear time.
DFS is a recursive algorithm that traverses the graph in a depthward motion. This means that it goes as deep as possible before going to the next vertex. So we do not check each neighbour, but rather we go as deep as possible for one neighbour how far they're connected.
BFS is an algorithm that traverses the graph in a breadthward motion. This means that it goes level by level. So we check each and every single neighbour and then we check their neighbours and so on.
Tree is a type of graph. It's rooted. Every node has a parent except the root node. Every node can have children.
You have parents and children. A node can have multiple children but only one parent.
Trees are acyclic. This means that there are no cycles. A cycle is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex/node.
Types of trees:
- Binary Tree: Each node has at most two children.
- Binary Search Tree: Each node has at most two children. The left child is less than the parent. The right child is greater than the parent.
- Balanced Tree: A tree is balanced if the height of the left subtree and the height of the right subtree differ by at most one.
- AVL Tree: A tree is balanced if the height of the left subtree and the height of the right subtree differ by at most one. In addition, the left and right subtrees are also AVL trees.
A tree whose nodes have at most k children. A binary tree is a 2-ary tree.