About this fork
- Liquibase 4.4.0
- H2Gis replaces GeoDB (Derby still uses GeoDB)
Liquibase Spatial is an extension to Liquibase to handle spatial indexing and geometry types. It requires Liquibase 3.1.1 or newer.
Liquibase Version | Liquibase Spatial Version |
Liquibase 3.1.1 | Liquibase Spatial 1.0.x |
Liquibase 3.2.x | Liquibase Spatial 1.1.x |
Liquibase 3.3.x | Liquibase Spatial 1.2.x |
Liquibase 3.10.x | Liquibase Spatial 1.2.4-Tostis |
Liquibase 4.4.0 | Liquibase Spatial 1.2.5-Tostis |
In order to use this extension, you must have the liquibase-spatial
jar in your classpath. For XML change logs, define the spatial
namespace as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog"
Using the XML elements defined by this extension requires specifying the spatial
namespace prefix on those elements. Here is a quick example of how to create a table with a
geometry column, create a spatial index on that column, and insert data into the table:
<changeSet id="Create table" author="bob">
<spatial:spatialSupported />
<createTable tableName="EXAMPLE">
<column name="ID" type="BIGINT">
<constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="EXAMPLE_PK" />
<column name="GEOM" type="GEOMETRY(Point, 4326)">
<constraints nullable="false" />
<changeSet id="Create spatial index" author="bob">
<spatial:spatialIndexExists tableName="EXAMPLE" columnNames="GEOM" />
<spatial:createSpatialIndex tableName="EXAMPLE" indexName="EXAMPLE_GEOM_IDX" geometryType="Point" srid="4326">
<column name="GEOM" />
<changeSet id="Insert spatial data" author="bob">
<insert tableName="EXAMPLE">
<column name="ID" valueNumeric="1" />
<column name="GEOM" value="SRID=4326;POINT(-5 -5)" />
<insert tableName="EXAMPLE">
<column name="ID" valueNumeric="2" />
<column name="GEOM" value="SRID=4326;POINT(0 0)" />
<insert tableName="EXAMPLE">
<column name="ID" valueNumeric="3" />
<column name="GEOM" value="SRID=4326;POINT(5 5)" />
Refer to the documentation for further information.